Chapter IV

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The blissful sounds of the morning awoke me, with the enchanting coos of the thrushes and doves. Another beatific morning, yet the ache in my heart for my daughter was still there. I gave a ponderous sigh before setting myself out in the morning. Tugging the angelically white yet dull sheet covers off me, getting out to grab my phone and heading on over to the bathroom to complete my ablutions. Whilst I cleansed my teeth with the recycled plastic toothbrush, with my intention to help the planet, I looked on my phone at any new notifications I've received. Not so planet helping... There were a few emails displayed, from my colleagues which showed their blessings and sincerities for my daughter's accident in hospital. 

However, I find my eyes glaring at the last message I sent, still with no response from the irritating man. His coldness was always there, and there was no way of changing someone like him. However, I always wished he had a sense of respect to others instead of being so selfish and acting on his own. Ever since the divorce, things were not easy for myself. It was a hellfire for myself and Jolyne....


A month into the divorce, and everything was still all over the place. The divorce petition, the contracts, the child support. Every single night I cried in "our" home,  in "our" room, in "our" bed. I had been silently crying that one night whilst Jolyne slept in her room, not having an understanding if she was having dreams of rainbows and sunshines, or if she was affected by her parents sudden divorce.

She was only 7 years old and didn't have a whole grasp on the idea of what a divorce was, and kept asking for more information with her little innocent mind. The words were stuck in my throat, a big tight lump lay there as I wrestled my own body in order to get them out. Yet, whenever I parted my lips, nothing came out. Her cute little fingers gripping onto the sides of my shirt with a little gentle tug as she looked into my [E/C] eyes with her own wide green eyes. 

Meanwhile, Jotaro hadn't been staying in the house and rented out an apartment until the divorce was finalized and the house was sold with the money going to both parties. He still wanted me to have money whilst I raised Jolyne on my own, hence why he was the one who insisted on child support. He came to the house about once or twice a month... sometimes even thrice if I was lucky or unlucky. That question is still debatable. 

Today was another day with Jotaro coming to the house, with more paperwork for me to sign. I stood downstairs by the couch watching the clock's hands moves. Waiting for husband, in which we were still legally married for the time being. He entered, with the same ruffled hair and untrimmed stubble on his jaw as our previous meetup. Those white slacks with a black turtleneck shirt and his iconic white trench coat, attempting to hide his broad figure but failed massively. I stood up almost immediately, as a reflex as he strode towards me, a flickering motion of his hand to suggest to follow him. 

We made our way to the office of this house, which used to be his but now with no laptops, no drawers filled with his Marine Biology work and none of his aesthetics to liven up the room; It was nothing but an empty cocoon. We sat, with myself more timid than usual as he splayed out his paperwork with his signatures down on his end, only waiting for me to fill them out.

"I need you to fill these forms out which'll act as the child support for..." Jotaro almost paused before he began again "Jolyne... The rest are there for your financial support and our property division." He tapped the papers with his finger at the placement where I had to sign and then moved his other hand to find a pen for me through his drawers. "Where the fuck- Sorry. Where are the pens?" 

I almost raised an eyebrow at his sudden use of his language, before relaxing it and moving myself to stand not even replying as I walked on out to the other room and searched through the TV drawer to grab a pen for myself. I walked back to the room, as Jotaro leaned back on his chair looking at me with those aquamarine eyes of his. I couldn't make out what he was feeling, it was difficult for me to even understand how he thought of this whole divorce in the first place. 

"Good g-" Jotaro coughed, almost to cover up what he was about to say before he composed himself "Just. Sign. You can read through it, just don't be too long. I don't have all day." 

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