46| Wrong Shirt

525 9 0

Aria King

Race morning was more hectic than usual due to the fact that both me and Charles had woken up late and were currently rushing to get out of the hotel. I was speeding to get changed into something. 

I decided to just keep it plain and simple and put on a pair of black leggings along with a random Ferrari shirt I found laying around the hotel room. I popped it on and placed my hair into a low bun to keep it out of my face. I took literally two seconds to do my makeup and make sure I looked presentable for any hidden cameras. 

In a matter of five minutes after that me and Charles were both out the door and into his Ferrari to drive to the track. As always the swarm of fans never ceased to amaze me as we both scanned our passes and pushed through the entrance to the paddock. 

Soon enough we both made it out after signing a million and one things for fans not to mention the photos. Surprisingly more people were asking for photos with me which I hesitantly agreed to.

 I grabbed my laptop and notebook before situating myself on the pit wall. I ran back to grab my headphones that I had forgotten but were very important. 

I shot Charles a little good luck text because I could not find him in the craziness of the garage. He read it and responded with a heart and a thank you. 

The race was about to begin and all the drivers were getting into their assigned grid boxes. I knew not disturb Charles at this time because he need to concentrate on getting a good start. Starting 14th was not going to be easy on him but I knew that he could do really well if he got a good start. 

The lights went out and everyone was quick with there start. Charles managed to slip through the inside of the car in front and made his way up to 10th. 

I averted my eyes for a few seconds just to look to see if there was any incoming weather when all of a sudden there is a commotion. I look up to my screen and see smoke and bits of debris flying everywhere. I checked to make sure that Charles was ok. 

"Charles are you ok is everything ok" I said through my radio. "Yeah I'm fine but I barley avoided that" He responds. Soon a safety car is deployed and everyone slows down. I watch the replay and find out it was Magnussen and Ocon who had crashed while turning into turn one. 

They went a lap behind the safety car before they announced the red flag. All the cars were brought back into the garage where the team got the car back in quickly. 

Charles hopped out and took his helmet and balaclava off. The race directors had sent out that the race would continue in 40 minutes. Charles came over to the pit wall where we started talking about the car and situations we would be in. 

It was a good thing that Charles had made it up into 10 because that mean that we were pretty much guaranteed point but I was still a little worried about some things on the car. walking across the pit lane I went to go have a conversation with some of the engineers who were checking a few things on the car. 

After a quick chat we sorted everything out and now all we had to do was wait for the race to begin again. 

"Aria!" I hear a voice call from behind me. I turn around to see the one and only papaya boy Landon Norris. "Hi Lando" I say to him. "Hi nice to see you I can't talk for long but I just wanted to tell you that you should really pay attention to the shirt you are wearing right now" He said. 

"Why whats wrong with it?" I asked him. "I'm pretty sure that that this Charles driver shirt. You know the one with the collar and number on the back. And I doubt that team is allowed to get that" He joked with me. 

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