21| Victory Dinner

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Aria King

I don't wait for Charles to go back to the hotel because it would look sort of suspicious if we were seen together. I go to wait for him in the hotel room and after ten minutes I hear a knock on my door. I open it already knowing who it is and Letting Charles in. He hurries in and tackles me in a hug. 

"Well now the public are really going to be on my ass about this" He says lifting his face from our hug. "So we just need to be extra careful" I say pecking his lips. 

"Listen so Carlos is having a private victory dinner and was wanting to meet my girlfriend. I told him I would check with you and if you are ok with reveal this to him and get back to him. So do you want to go?" He asks. I think for a moment and decide that I want to and it'll be alright. 

"Ok but is it fancy?" I ask as he backs us up onto the bed. "Yeah but don't worry you'll look great" He says cuddling into me. I turn "Yes but I have nothing to wear I only brought comfy clothes not going out clothes" I exclaim. 

"Here I know a mall around here I'll take you there and we can buy you a dress and me a suit because I also forgot to pack fancy" He says. I nod and he tells me that we'll leave in 30 minutes. 

Time skip to the mall

We both dressed up so the paparazzi would not notice us and walked into the clothing store. It was mainly empty today due to everything being closed for the grand prix. I start to browse through the options that were there and picked up a few that caught my eye. 

"Did you find anything you like ma bella" Charles says. I nod and tell him I'm going to go try them on. He starts to follow me but I want it to be a surprise what I buy. "You go look for your suit we don't have much time" I say. He sighs and goes to the mens area. 

I ask one of the ladies working there if she could get the dresses I was carrying in my size and she nodded. A few minutes later she comes back with all the dresses in their protective covering. I say thank you to her and try the first one on.

It was a short black dress with puffy sleeves and outlines on them. I didn't like the length of it for a fancy dinner but other wise I love it. 

I tried the next one and it was a light blue mid length ruffly one and I just didn't like the full image of it on me. 

I took out the next one and tried it. It was a long black satin dress with a slit up the thigh. I immediately  knew that this was the dress I was going to get. I put it back into the protective cover and bring it out. Charles was standing there waiting for me with his own bagged outfit. "Ready to go" He said. I nod and her takes my bag from me and places it on the counter. 

As I'm getting ready to pay for my own dress Charles pays for both of our things and is already taking the bags from the man. I roll my eyes and he flashes me a smile. We go outside and Charles puts the things in the back before coming and opening the door for me. I slide into the low car and feel it roar to life. We drove back the short distance to the hotel and rushed into the elevator to not be seen.  

We both decided to get ready in out own rooms because it would just be easier for the both of us. I get to my room and go straight to the shower. I get out quick and dry my hair. I leave it natural and move on to my makeup. I didn't feel like putting heavy makeup on so I went for a light glow look. 

I went out and changed into my dress before putting on some of my black bow heels and grabbing a gold bag to go along. I put on my necklaces and bracelets before doing one last check in the mirror and texting Charles. 

He said he was waiting for me downstairs. I spray my perfume before heading down. Charles is waiting in the lobby looking on his phone. He hears the clicking of my heels and looks up. His mouth opens slightly and he looks me up and down. 

No one was in this part of the lobby so he was able to take my hand and spin me around to get a full view. 

"Mon ange you look so gorgeous" He said looking me in the eye. My heart flutters at his words and I smile ear to ear. "You don't look too bad yourself" I say pecking his cheek. 

We walk out to his car that they had given him and he opens the door for me like a true gentleman. I climb in and buckle my seatbelt. 

He jogs over to the other side and gets in the drivers seat. He start to driver though the city and everything is a blur. I could see all the city lights go by with the music that was playing in the car. 

We arrive in front of a very fancy restaurant and Charles guides me through and we find ourselves in a private room with many of the other f1 drivers and wags. We settle ourselves in our seats and greet everyone. 

Everyone is looking at me with smirks on their faces and there is no doubt that they already know who I am. I'm seated next to Kika and Charles. Kika leans over to whisper something in my ear. 

"Welcome to the club glad someone new finally joined" She says laughing. I laugh along as well. 

The dinner goes great and everyone is having a great time. Everyone was spewing jokes and having great discussions. Its dessert time and while were are eating Carlos says "Charles is there anything you would like to say". Charles chokes on his dessert for a second before clearing his throat.

"Um so I have some new that we will only be sharing with you guys for the time being and are trusting you with" He says. Charles looks over at me asking for permission with his eyes. I nod and he continues. "This is Aria my girlfriend!" He says wrapping his arm around my waist. The table is silent for a moment before Max says " Took you long enough congrats guys" and everyone laughs. We hear a lot of congrats and we say a lot of thank you. 

"But can I just say I was right" Carlos exclaims. I give him a confused look and he continues. "You should have seen him the first day you walked into the garage he was drooling looking at you" I blush slightly and laugh at him along with everyone else. 

He also laugh and says "How could I not". He looks over at me. I felt a sense of relief at the fact that some people knew now. The rest of the night went great and we decided to call it a night after a bit. 

Charles drives back with his hand intertwined with mine. We get back to the hotel and I change and wash my face. We had laid down to cuddle in bed with each other. "Can I admit something" I say and Charles nods. "I've always had the biggest crush on you" I say looking up at his face. He smiles and gently kisses my lips. "Can I say something" he says and I nod. "I've also had the biggest crush on you from the moment I saw you I could not dream of myself with anyone else" I giggle and kiss him again. 

I close my eyes to go to sleep and Charles pulls me closer. Just as I begin to drift asleep Charles whispers "I think I love you" and I drift off to sleep. 

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