35| Wedding Shopping

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Aria King 

After the meeting me and Charles rushed back to the hotel to pack our things and leave for the airport. 

We scrambled around to get clothes in order and things back to where they were. We were just able to get everything ready and change. We check out of the hotel before running to the car that was supposed to drop us to the airport. 

Thankfully the driver waited for us and we made it on time to the airport. Charles quickly drew his hood up and put his sun glasses on not wanting to be see by the massive amounts of fans there were. A few gave funny stares but none really saw him which was a good thing. We were able to get our bags taken care of and go to the lounge to wait the short amount of time till we were to board our plane. 

About ten minutes later we were escorted to the plane and boarded. We sat across from each other like always. A little while later we were already in the air eating snacks. I go through some of my emails from my personal email and realize that I had received something from one of my favorite cousins. 

I open it to find that it is a wedding invitation and that she was getting married. I Contemplated going as she was one of my favorite people and I wanted to be there for her on this big day but that would also mean to much of a hassle during races. Plus it would be an indian style wedding so it would be big and filled with people I don't want to be around. 

I guess my face gave away that I was in a dilemma because Charles asked "What's wrong you look anxious?". 

I take a deep breath and explain "Well one of my favorite cousins is getting married and she invited me to attend. And I don't know if I want to go. I mean I want to support her on her big day and I always promised that I would be there when she does but if I do go then I'm going to be around a bunch of people who I don't want to be around. Plus it is a indian style wedding which means I will have to dance and I don't want to bother you on your few weeks off" I says quickly. 

"Well it doesn't matter who will be there or if it bother me the question is if you want to go" He says grabbing my hand from across the table. "I mean I really do want to go but I don't want to be a bother but I also don't want to go alone" I say looking at him. 

"Well if you would like then I could come with you" He offers and my face lights up. I nod and accept his offer. I open my phone and email her that I will be there and I will be bringing a plus one. 

"Fair warning these things are not like normal weddings" I say to him. He laughs and nods. "Damn I have nothing to where" I say suddenly remembering. I pull my laptop from my bag and pull up a few sites. I find that there are some indian clothing stores in the area we are going to. I also look online to see if there is something that might come quick. 

I after a while I get bored and put my laptop away. I get up and walk over to Charles seat. He scoots over and I sit myself next to him and lay my head on his chest. "Do you mind coming with me to go shopping for wedding clothes" I ask him. "Of course mon bebe" he says smiling. 

I close my eyes and drift off to sleep for the remainder of the flight. 

Time skip 

After the flight we had gotten to the hotel after a long car ride in the traffic. We check in a decide to just order some room service because we did not want to go out. We had ordered pizza and ate it while watching another episode of Suits on the tv. 

Soon after that both me and Charles decide to go to bed early due to the jet lag. The next morning we both sleep in pretty late but. 

 I looked to my phone and saw that it was already 12 in the afternoon when I finally decide to get out of bed. Charles was still laying face down next to me when I get up off the bed to go brush my teeth. While I was washing my face I felt a hand slither around my waist. 

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