16| Sneaking Away

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Charles Leclerc 

I woke up the next morning to see Aria still asleep next to me. I look over at my phone to see that it was seven in the morning so I had to get up soon anyways. I carefully remove myself from the bed and grab my shirt from the floor. As I putting it on Aria starts to wake up. She opens her eyes and looks over at me. 

"Good morning what time is it?" She asks yawning her way through the sentence. "Good morning baby it nine so we have to go soon" I say walking back to her to kiss her cheek. 

She smiles and gets up from the bed. I tell her that I was just going to go get ready and then come back to get her. She yells an 'ok' from the bathroom and I leave. I go back to my room and brush my teeth and change into my Ferrari shirt and jeans. 

I grab my room key and put it in my wallet and leave to go get Aria. I knock on her door and after about a minute she comes to open it but hides her body behind the door. 

"Hi I'm just changing give me one minute" she says while letting me enter. She runs back to the bathroom and come out changed into a Ferrari hoodie and black leggings. She walks by me to get her perfume and spray it on herself. 

"Is that the one I got for you?" I ask examining the bottle. "Yes it is" She says confidently. Aria went to go put on her bracelets and rings while I waited. 

"Ok now I'm ready but before we leave to the public eye" She stops and grabs my face to pull me in for a kiss. I gladly accept and place my hands on her hips. i feel her smile into the kiss and it makes me smile as well. 

We pull apart and decide to leave so we could get some breakfast. We get into the elevator and walk down to the breakfast area. I got to make a plate for myself and saw there was fruit bowls there. I grabbed one so we could share it because I know how much Aria love them. I go to sit down and Aria joins me not a minute later. 

We sit and eat our breakfast while talk about what we had to do for the day. I get tapped on the shoulder and look over to see a little girl no older that five with a Ferrari cap on along with pen. "Hello" I say turning my attention to the mini fan. 

"H-hello I'm sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you could sign my hat please" She asks quietly pulling off her hat and sticking both the pen and the cap out for me. 

I smiled and took it from her. While signing it I asked "What is your name?". "Madeline" She replies shyly. "I think that is a beautiful name" I say putting the lid back on the pen. She giggles and I put the hat back onto her head before hand the pen back to her. "Thank you so much" She says walking back to her mother who was waiting not far away.

I wave back at her and then turn my attention back to Aria who was sitting with a big smile on her face. "What?" I ask confused as to why she was smiling like that. 

"Nothing its just nice to see how you interact with your fans especially the little ones" She replies taking a bite of fruit from her plate. "I love my mini fans" I say

After that we both start making our way to the paddock. I stopped to try and to sign and take picture with all the fans that were crowding the barriers. I eventually made it to the garage and Aria left to go do her work. 

It was practice day so I went to go get warmed up and changed for the first practices. I came back out to find that I was being called by my engineers and strategists. They are going on with there usual stuff but out of the corner of my eye I see Aria sitting in a chair biting her lip looking the her computer then switching to scribble something onto the paper in front of her. 

She glances up at me and we make eye contact for a second before I hear the engineers calling my name. I return my focus the people talking to me but keep stealing glances at her in the corner. 

They tell me it time for me to get into the car so I grab my balaclava and put it on along with my helmet. I climb into my car and look around at the engineers. I look to my side to see the brown I love. I keep looking at her from across the room and she mouth a good luck at me. I give her a slight nod and smiled. I don't think she could see me smile but the way she smiled told me she knew I was. 

Time skip to after both practices 

  I had managed to get P4 first practice and P3 the second. I got out of the car and was congratulated by my team. I looked around for Aria but couldn't see her anywhere so I went straight to my interviews. I arrived at the scheduled interview and sat down while they fixed the cameras. 

The interview started fine when she was asking questions about the race but I was getting a little uncomfortable when she started talking about my ex. 

"So Charles how do you feel about the rumors going around saying that you cheated on Charlotte?" She asked reading from her paper with the question. I was getting a weird feeling and my chest tightened. 

'If only they knew that it was her who did it' I thought looking down. I didn't want to talk about this or answer any questions about it. I prayed that someone could some save me from this. Just then I hear a familiar voice calling me. "Charles come quick Mattia needs to talk with you its urgent" Aria said running into the room before I could speak. I felt a sense of relief when she said that. 

"Sorry but I have to go" I say slipping out of the chair that I was in. "But you didn't answer my question" the lady said. I ran away from that quickly and followed Aria. She led to little private work area. 

"Thank you for getting me out of there but am I in trouble with Mattia?" I say turning to her. "No I jut made that up so I could get you out of that interview." She says walking right in front of me. "I could see that you were feeling uncomfortable so I made a lie to get you out that I might be getting in trouble for but it's fine" she says. 

I smile at fact that she knew and lied to get me out of there. I cupped her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss. "Thank you so much for pulling me out of there" I places kisses in between each of the words. 

She giggle and says "You welcome". We sit together int he room for a little while more until we decide to go back to the hotel. 

I go to change back into my clothes and we meet back up and head back to the hotel. 

Word count: 1.2k 

I think it was a bit wholesome 

vote comment do whatever bye. 

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