44| Wedding Celebrations

517 9 0

Charles Leclerc

I woke up the next day by the blinding light that was pouring in through the open windows. The city was already bustling below us and the never ending horns of cars were already blowing. I pressed the little button on the wall that closed the blinds and rolled back over. 

My head fell back gently to Aria's stomach. My arms wrapped tightly around her waist while I closed my eyes and took in her scent. I could hear her soft breaths above the loud noises from outside. I didn't fall back asleep completely just kinda half asleep. 

A little while later I felt the body beneath me start to squirm awake and thats when I opened my eyes. Hers opened as well and just smiles. "Hello beautiful" I say to her. She smiles and closes her eyes "God your morning voice is going to kill me" She said running her hands through my hair. 

"You like it huh?" I asked raising my eyebrows. She nods. "Well then maybe I'll just start talking like this" I tease her. "No complaining coming from this side" She says back. We both laugh a little then I lift myself to be face to face with her. 

My head goes back to her neck and places gentle kisses there. My arms tighten around her waist while I pull her closer to me. "I don't want to get up" I said which was mumbled due to my lips on her shoulder. 

"We have to if we actually want to do things today. Plus I have to practice my dance routine for tonight" She says back. "Wait I didn't know you were dancing tonight!" I lift my head just a bit. "Tonight is the main fun night with all the dances and songs. So yes as her cousin it is expected of me that I dance tonight. Plus they sent me like an hour long video of all the dances I have to learn and I only know like 3 of them" She explains. 

"That seems like a lot me" I say to her. "Trust me there a lot more and these are just the coordinated ones then you have the free dance floor where you will be joining me. Also we are taking an extra pair of shoes for me" She says. 

"Whatever you say" I tell her. "Now get off of me so we can go to the gym and so I can practice." She says trying to push me off. "No five more minutes" I say trapping her further in my arms. She mumbles a 'fine' at me and we both end up cuddling for more than 15 minutes until she finally gets up from bed and makes me follow. 

We both brush and get ready for the gym. I had booked it for the both of us at 10 so we would have time to ourselves. Once we get down there I set up the bar for my bench while Aria sets up her phone so she can practice the dances. 

We both start to do our own thing and in the middle of the sets I stop to watch how she moved to her music. "I'll come join you in a bit I just want to get this final step down" She says while lifting her bottle to take a sip. 

"Take your time I like watching you" I say to her. "Well you'll see this and a whole lot more tonight" She said. I raised my brows playfully. " Get your mind out of the gutter" She said chucking her towel at my face. I catch it before it hits while laughing at my own joke. 

As promised she came over after a bit and we both started benching. It was more me but she took a few turns. She stood behind the rack and pretended to be my spotter. Soon enough she got under the bar while I changed the weight to what she wanted. 

She began to rep the 25 pounds that were on each side of the bar but on the 8 rep she was struggling a bit. "I think I can go up a bit more so lets just put some 5's on each side" She says while grabbing the five pound plate. I place one on the other side and she gets under the bar again. 

The first few she did easily but by the time we got to the 5 rep her arms were struggling. My arms went out to help with the bar as it went down easily again but was struggling to come back up. She said my name and that was my cue to lift it. I places my hands on either side of the bar and helped her bring it back up. 

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