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My heart literally feels like it's in my mouth as I race down the corridor as fast as I can but abruptly stop as I come face to face with the housekeeper Lucy as I round the corner. My eyes go wide as Lucy shoots a fucking gun straight at me with no warning and I only just manage to leap out of the way in time and end up falling to the floor painfully.

"Stay still you little slut." She spits out as she goes to aim at me again as I try to scramble away but at lightning speed Jenna appears from nowhere and punches Lucy so hard, she's knocked out cold.

"Who the fucks this?" Jenna smirks cocking a brow at Lucy's unconscious body before kicking away the gun.

"Umm.... Well, that's the housekeeper." I say breathlessly as I get back to my feet.

"I take it, this was another 'lemons' moment. Damn Harper, who knew hanging out with the new Beta's mate would be so much fun. I'm glad I came looking for you." Jenna smirks as I throw my arms around her and give her a hug.

Completely uncomfortable with my hug, Jenna pats me on the back lightly as I try not to laugh at how socially awkward she is, but now is really not the time for joking around as I step back from her and blow out a large lock of hair that's in my face.

"Lemons! Definitely lemons!" I pant as I try to calm my erratic heart, but my anxiety is already rising. "Listen, I need your help, the packs under attack and I've no idea how many people are here. The alpha is in danger and... my mate and the Gamma they're hurt." I say frantically as I wave my arms around.

Jenna's face morphs from playful to serious within a heartbeat. She kicks off her high heels then nods. "Well then, let's get going." She says assertively before cracking her knuckles and this time I actually do manage to grin back at her.

Ok, Jenna's awesome.

Side by side we race back towards the ballroom following the noise from the band playing. As we push through the double doors the music booms loudly as the room is full of dancing couples.

"Can you see the Alpha?" I say to Jenna as we both scan the room frantically for the large figure of Kit.

"There! He's over in the corner talking to a girl with dark hair but I can't see her face." Jenna points as I crane my head to just about see Kit in the far distance.

"Fuck, can you mind link him?" I frown as I look at the masses of wolves that are dancing between us and the alpha. This is a nightmare.

Jenna scrunches up her face with concentration before she huffs and shakes her head. "No, he's blocking everyone out."

"Ok, I'm going after Kit. You find the head warrior; he's bound to be here. We need to start to get the warriors notified we're under attack. Can you let him know that the Beta and Gamma are in danger also and hurt?" I choke out.

As I say the words my wolf whimpers in my head as I hold back the tears and try and steady breathing. Falling apart now would be no good to anyone. I need to focus on the task at hand. Saving the Alpha.

"On it." Jenna says firmly before she swiftly disappears into the swirling dancing couples as I start making a beeline for Kit.

I'm about halfway across the dance floor when a firm hand grabs my arm making me scowl until I see it's my dad that had been dancing with my mother. I quickly dart into his arms pulling him closer so I can whisper frantically into his ear.

"Harper, what's..." He begins.

"Daddy, the packs under attack by a fucking crazy girl whose part of some group called the Moonless?! My mate and Gamma are hurt and they are now targeting Alpha Kit. You need to help me; I don't know what to do." I blurt out into his ear as my hands curl up tight on his dark suit.

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