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(30 mins earlier - 7.30pm)

Blowing out a slow shaky puff of air, I pour a heavy slosh of Bourbon into a glass and throw it back. I rarely drink, but I seriously need something to take the edge off.

Fuck that's good.

Frowning, I look at the label and see it's actually made by one of our Deltas out West from here. A small smile creeps on my lips when I realise it's Harper that's had it stocked here tonight. Nice fucking touch baby. She's outdone herself; this place looks almost unrecognizable. The Pack house is the busiest I've seen it in years. The last time we had an event this big or lavish was when I was still a pup. My mum and dad were still alive, and I spent most of the evening hiding away in some dark corner.

But not tonight.

Tonight, I intend to take centre stage with Harper on my arm and show off my new beautiful mate to my pack with pride. The Lotus Moon Pack hasn't had a she-wolf of rank since my mother's death, and I know our wolves are excited about that change. Plus, I'm looking forward to surprising the shit out of Harper when I lead her into this opener dance. Without a doubt she thinks I'll have two left feet, but little does she know my brothers and I had this fucking dance drummed into us at the earliest of age by our mother. The former Luna was one evil bitch, however I'll give her credit, when she demanded perfection that's what she got. Even when it meant hours upon hours of dance lessons until we got it right... she didn't even stop training when our feet bled.

But I'm not that scared little pup now... tonight my one and only goal is to make my mate happy, nothing else matters.

Just as the clock in my office chimes Seven thirty a light tap at my door breaks my attention, smiling I race up to it and swing it open.

"My love, I've..." I begin to blurt out when my eyes drop onto the housekeeper and my wolf growls in my head.

"Apologies, Beta Taylor. I did as you asked and called on Beta Harper requesting that she come to see you... but she said she was... too busy." Lucy says quietly as disappointment grows in my stomach.

"Did you tell her; I'd be happy to come to her dressing room? I know I'm early..." I say quietly as Lucy sighs and shakes her head.

"Beta Harper was very clear she didn't want to see you... I'm sorry." Lucy says apologetically as my fists curl up.

"It's not your fault." I growl before running an agitated hand through my hair.

As I go to turn back into my office a soft voice calls my name making me abruptly halt in my tracks. Frowning, I slowly turn my head and look past the housekeeper to see a beautiful she-wolf I've not seen in years standing a little distance away in the corridor as my eyes grow wide.

Ella. My Ella.

"Hey Taylor." She says softly as she slowly walks towards me as I find it hard to remember to breathe.

Ella's beauty has not diminished in the slightest. She still has long large ringlets of chestnut hair that tumble around her shoulders. As her light amber eyes fix onto mine, I see a small smile tug at her lips. Then I see it, the large scar that runs right down her right cheek and under her lip as guilt festers and floods my heart that we hurt such a fragile creature.

"Ella... you're here?" I whisper a little dazed.

"I had to see you." Ella says softly as she steps closer, her long black ball gown makes her look like she's floating right up to me. "Are you not happy to see me?"

As Ella comes to stand right in front of me, I vaguely see Lucy slink off into the shadows leaving us alone before I stand speechless at the doorway.

"The least you could do is offer me a drink?" Ella giggles as she flutters her long lashes then brushes past my chest making herself at home in my office.

BETA LANCASTERWhere stories live. Discover now