The red dot

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The morning of the wedding

It's been an insane year. A lot of fun, but also creepy shit. It's been in our heads for a while now. Someone's been watching out every step since I had that feeling last year.

"hey man you ready?" Adonis ask

"Yeah I am, are you?"
He nods in response

Yes Adonis is my grooms man. I know he's never admit it but we're best friends. He loves me! Like a lot.

He hands me an envelope, I look confused. Is this from him?

"Yes it's from me fucking open it already!"

Oh shit

He did not

I look up at him all surprised and in chock!

"Are you serious?" He nods. The farm house. He bought us the farm house. Exactly too the detail we wanted it too be. Every single part. I hug him and he's stiff at first and then hug me back!

I can't wait too show Lia this!

"Thank you so much!" He smiles and hands me the gift from Evangelia.

"Yeah I'm gonna leave you when you open that"
He says all awkwardly.

What could it be?

Now I understand why he wanted too leave... it's one of those books with extremely sexy pictures of my future wife. Damn she's fucking gorgeous! I'm gonna look more I got hat later. Now I have too get finished because she will be walking down in 10 minutes.

Im standing at the alter with Adonis behind me. Johnny too but on the other side. And Isla and Tasha are standing in front of me in Lia's side. She picked out beautiful dresses for them.

They match everything so good. We took our time planning all of this. Royal blue and white is the theme. Everything is perfect. I thought it was, until she walks down and I realize that she's the perfect part.

I feel a hand on my shoulder as tears run down. She's all I've ever wanted, the only woman for me. The fact that I fucked up so bad and still get to marry her! I will spend the rest of my life making up for it, making sure she knows I would do anything for her!

"You look so beautiful Angel" I say when she's standing in front of me.

"Thank you Noah"

I start with the vows so let's go

"Evangelia it all started with that crash on the ice, you hated me so bad that day. But all I could think of was your beauty. I remember it so vividly, the panic that rushed into me when you got hurt but how my heart felt so at peace when I looked into your eyes for the first time.

That peace has never left me since I've been with you.

Even after all I've done too not deserve to stand here today, you let me. I could never be grateful enough for that. As I stand here and look into those mysterious eyes of yours I grow even more grateful that I will be the man too call you my wife.

That I get to be the man to have you until my last breath. Because I will be there for you, protect you until it is the last thing I do. I vow to always protect your life before mine. And I vow to never make you doubt my love for you

I would lie for you, I would die for you. All because you showed me color you know I can't see with anyone else and you taught me a secret language I can't speak with anyone else... for you I would ruin myself a million little times.

Love for me does not exist without you."

She's crying, I'm crying, everyone's crying.
It's her turn to say her vows. But right before she starts talking I see it.

The few people who notice just as I am starts screaming



There's a red dot on her forehead. And I just vowed to die for her.

My first instinct is too grab a hold of her shoulders and switch places. Everything happens at the same time so she doesn't understand what's going on until we've switched places fully.

The dot falling on my upper chest because of the height difference.

Everything is in slow motion. When she takes notice our faces align and her face strikes with panic as she grabs a hold of my eye.

"I love you Angel... my wife" I say while pushing her down

"NOOOOO NOAH!!!!" She screams while falling against Adonis.

The room starts evacuating while Adonis and Elijah grab their guns and start searching.

The slow motion is over once I've fallen too the ground.

Everything's dark.

The last I felt was her touch...


"NOOOOOO NOAH!!!" I scream while he's pushed me backwards and I fall into Adonis.

Noah falls too the ground and his chest starts too turn red, crimson red, blood red. I crawl too him.

"Noah, Noah I love you, please don't die. Don't die on me! Don't leave me here. I don't want too be here if your not going too be here with me!" I put my hand over his wound too stop the bleeding.

But his eyes are dark, empty, cold...

"Evangelia we need to get the fuck out!" Adonis start grabbing a hold of me. He takes me underneath my arms. I'm paralyzed, I can't move.





I fight Adonis as much as I can but his grip on me is too tight.

Tears stream down my face in pain.
Me and Adonis end up in a car and he starts driving.

"You can't leave him Adonis, he's Gonna die! You can't let Noah die! You need to drive back and save him, please save him. I need him Adonis I need him" I say while hysterically crying.


"Isla took Mia and Noah mother away from there"

They saw that, they saw him die. Mia saw him die.

"stop the car! I'm gonna vomit" and that he does.

I open the door and start vomiting again and again and again.

"Angie we need to go" I collect myself the best I can and get back into the car.

I stare down at the dress, my once white dress now stained with my almost husbands blood.

Almost husband...

we never officially got married

Authors note:
Do y'all hate me?
I understand if you do... but please don't!

Word count  1102

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