The queen of hearts (Evangelia + Noah)

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She gave me another chance, I've never been happier in my life. There's one problem though... I just got an offer to play for another team and it's far away... like Germany far away.

I can't tell her now, not when I just got her back! And I definitely can't ask her to move with. She has her life and career here, her family and friends. I really can't ask that of her, not for me.

Right now I want to focus on the little time I have with her before I accept the offer, if I accept the offer. But it is leaning towards it... I would be leaving right before she gets back from the Olympics. Now like I said nothing is for certain, just a possibility!

She walked away talking on the phone with the little guy following her every move. I better get ready for practice, o have an important game soon and I better be prepared.

Something's off! Something with Noah is going on... and I will find out what, because I don't do this. I gave him a chance and he Better fucking not be hiding some really bad shit! Cause I don't have time for that.

I drop Nathan of with Isla and obviously six guards. Because war just started and I am now back into this part of my life. I'm the head of this war, and trust me I don't go down, ever!

I quickly go home and call Jason

"So give the info"

"Not even a hello?"

"Listen I don't have time for this, I'm about to go and find out some information about my parents and what the fuck they want with me... aka torture a bitch!" I snap back at him

"Yeah, okay so the man is Alonso Jeffers. Two timer for armed robbery and 3rd degree assault. Two kids and a wife, he has an empty year which means..."

"Cop... or ex cop based on the register. Well then, is he military?"

"No, he escalated during his UC (under cover) and that lead to the record and immediate suspension... he worked on mission phoenix" fuck I thought that was fucking over

"Well I guess I have leverage than, thank you! I'll talk to you later!!!" And hang up

I get into my kitchen and make a cup of black coffee before starting to get ready. I get into my all black uniform, some jewelry I mean I'm making a statement even when torturing. Plus I wouldn't get caught dead without my jewelry.

I put on some heels and fix my makeup. I text Isla to get home with Nathan and get them something to eat and all that. Euw I'm starting to sound like a mom, something I swore to never become!

Well I guess this is fucking showtime!

This bitch is trained way to fucking well! Like he hasn't said a word... cops are the worst of them all!

"You know I'm about to go meet up with a friend, Priya Jeffers, do you know her? You do share a last name..."

"Don't fucking name my wife I'll kill you for even looking at her!" He yells, every cops weakness is the one thing they know they can't fully protect from their unstable life... family

"Well I guess that means you'll talk now" I say smirking while twirling the knife I've used to mark him, with my mark. He just haven't seen it yet

"They want their daughter back! She's some sort of famous whore or something... with money, they're kinda bankrupt right now!" A whore really!

"Listen to me honey... she ain't no whore not like you! I mean you're in on what your 6th whore? I can get every single little detail of every little thing you've done in life" I smile at him while grabbing a mirror to show him who he's dealing with.

"No! You!!! You cost me my ENTIRE FUCKING CAREER! Your the reason I have to work 2 jobs to feed my children!" I laugh at him

"Well you shouldn't have gotten in my way then! And you made those Decisions not me... well I guess I did motivate you! But that just makes me a good person you know to motivate you." I've done questionable things but I regret nothing

"You're supposed to be dead! They told us that you got killed... that they shot you!" He's getting confidence from nowhere! I don't like it and I definitely don't accept it

"You better watch your tone! You out of everyone should know what I'm capable of. And it would be sad to see your face in all the headlines tomorrow... well I'm just kidding I've already set that up with my media contacts!" I tell him and finish my work with him.

I'm so tired of mission phoenix I mean it was two fucking years ago! I was an amateur, 17 years old... like I'm embarrassed! I knew nothing back then. They couldn't even catch me than and I was a newbie like really fucking bad. Apparently good enough to get away!

I made a name for myself! I was fearless and I did everything that had to be done! They didn't call me queen of hearts for nothing! I cut out their heart and mark them with a drawn one. I'm excited to see the news being all about my resurrection... I love me sometimes

Key word sometimes! Now I'm about to go home and sleep because I have to practice all day everyday tomorrow and somehow manage to come up with a really fucking excellent plan on how to handle the so called 'parents' and their sudden loss of money.

I call up Jason again

"Hey I need you to look into their accounts how the hell can they be bankrupt! I mean yea they are both stupid people but they were rich rich!" I tell him while getting into my car

"Well from what I can see here they are in depth... to the New Orleans... yeah that's like bad bad isn't it?" Shit

"Yes but it's none of my fucking business! They can call all they fucking want but I'm not getting into this! It's not my fight to pick, because they aren't my parents and I won't lay my precious time on them" I try to smile to convince myself, but I still feel a bit betrayed sometimes!

"It's okay to be sa-"

"I don't do sad and shit like that! Now I'm at home and my bed is calling my name!" He laughs

"Yeah yeah byeeeeeeee"

"Mhmm" and hang up

I get home... the front door is slightly open!

I draw out my gun! Not fucking again they better be safe, i mean 6 guards!
I suddenly hear a small crash from the kitchen... i get in there and draw my hunt towards someone head

"You better fucking turn around slowly!"

"Angie chill it's me Isla!" Oh thank god

"How the fuck can 8 people not notice that the door was fucking opened! Where are the guard Isla?"

"I sent them home, poor guys were tired!"

"They are trained to be awake util their shifts over! Don't ever fucking do that again Isla. This is why I'm here this is why you need me and my training! You can't fucking send security guards away when people want you dead, especially when you can't even protect yourself! And what about Nathan huh?"

"Okay momma bear! I'm sorry I just wanted some peace to you know process life again. It's been a lot lately... I'm really sorry Angie!"

"It's fine just never ever do things like this again! Please I can't loose the two of you!"

I just hug her! Shit he really have made me soft... he better be worth it...

Authors note:
I sense some trouble creeping up!

Word count: 1320

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