Malyshka (Lia +Noah)

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"WHERE IS HE!" A man screams while repeatedly hitting Natasha with a bat...

"I- I don-" is all she manage to get out before another hit strikes her.


"Oh so the sleeping beauty decided to wake up! What a pleasure. Now maylshka tell me! Where is Nathan? I know you're protecting him! But he is one of my men!" Is he kidding me, Nathan is a child.

"No! He is one of your boys... CHILDREN! I will die to protect him if that is what i have too do! But do not touch her or so help me go-" the bitch shot me! In the ducking stomach... ouch!

"Do not tell me what to do! I'm the one with the power"

"Just because I murdered your father doesn't give you the power. He still has more power in his grave than you do in your pinky toe." I say in pain

"You talk a lot of shot for someone who's juts been shot... maybe you should just play nice too survive!"

"I don't care about my life! KILL ME ALL YOU WANT! BUT DO NOT TOUCH THE PEOPLE I LOVE OR I WILL MAKE IT MY LIFES MISSION TO DESTROY EVERYTHING YOU'VE EVER HAD OR WILL HAVE! I WILL KILL EVERYONE YOU HAVE EVER LOVED! And I am not budging or letting death get in my way!" He looks at me in disbelief.

"This is what I call a warrior! But unfortunately death is your destiny, your enemy..."

"No death is my greatest friend! Fearing what is all of ours reality is meaningless, that is what makes you weak!" Did I just anger him on purpose? Yes! Will I suffer? Yes! But that keeps the focus of Natasha and that is all I care about!

"You know my father might not have remembered you, but I do! I remember both, the only people who ever managed to leave... I envy you even to this day! Do you remember me malyshka?" I do, the teenager Mitchko forced to torture us... assault us in all different ways... the one who turned psychotic.

"Yes Marcus, I remember you! We felt bad for you, and now you're just like him." A knife went through me. And I refused to let out a scream.


"NO YOU ARE DOING THIS TI PROTECT YOURSELF FROM YOUR MEN! HE IS A CHILD, YOU ARE GOING TO DESTROY HIM JUST LIKE YOUR FATEHR DESTROYED YOU... and I am not going to let that happen! I am not letting you destroy that child..."

I've been Nathan, I've been the child raised to become a soldier! Raised to be a chess pawn. And I will have to die for Nathan to go through more than he already have!

"Malyshka, I won't let you die... you will be my wife! Our children would be immaculate, perfect genes. The perfect weapon...."

Noah: I get to the club and wait for about 15 minutes to see if they would meet me outside. Then I just decided on going in to find them, they're probably too wasted to find the exit.

I enter the club and searches through the crowd and start to panic when they're not there. I ask the bartender and he says they went out 20 minutes or more... shit. I start calling both their phones while panicking a lot! Then Isla calls me and tells me too get back immediately, so that's what I do!


I walk into their apartment and see a tall dark haired man standing their looking angry... really fucking angry.

"Who are you?" I ask him

"What I should ask you is what the fuck have you done with my wife?" What?

"Who exactly?"

"Natasha! Where is Natasha???" Oh now that makes sense...

"I have no idea I was there to pick them up and they were gone..." now he has passed from angry to a mad man.


"Well I uhm- I'm not really the one to be protecting them I think it should be the other way around... but yes..." I say while gulping

"You're not a assassin?"

"No..." I answer him


"No..." I answer once again

"You're just what normal? Like a normal citizen?"


"Azzy fell in love with a normal citizen... like she couldn't get more complicated!" What is that supposed to mean?

"Well I will have an army here and I will get Natasha back!"

"Evangelia too! You can't just leave her!"

"Well my wife would kill me if I didn't save her to! So yes don't worry I'll get her too!"

He starts making phone calls here and there. And I am panicking... yea that to say the least! What the fuck! How is this possible she is the fiercest woman on earth. She must have been really fucking wasted for this too happen!

"Okay so what's the plan?"

"You have no plan! You are staying here!"

"No! Absolutely not!"

"Listen here! Do not come around acting like you care to put on a show... you're leaving her we all already know that, Russia! So you do what I say, or the news will break to the surface. Got it?"

"How do you know that? Its not public information!"

"I find out everything I want too find out, and I do what I want! Now I might look like the bad guy! Or the one getting in the way! But I need you alive or I'm dead so sit back and let me do what I do!"

"Get her home safe or I will become a killer! Is that understood?" He laughs a little which makes me feel like a mad man!

"Yes well believe me, if anything were to happen to Azzy, Natasha would kill me! And that's not an exaggeration"

"Why do you always refer to her so coldly, Natasha I mean." I ask him

"We are not married because of love, this is just a mission. So yes she is my wife, but I don't love her..."

Wow that's gotta be hard, being in a marriage just for a mission. All the pretending and the lying.

Well all I am doing right now with Lia is pretending an lying... I promised to never leave... yet here I am! Soon leaving her....

Authors note:
Sorry for not getting this out earlier, my life's a mess.
Hope it's good

Word count: 1090

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