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"He's in the basement" Isla say on the phone.

"Good keep him there"

"Yes, I will!" Let's have some fun shall we!

I really do love making people pay for what they have done. I mean sometimes karma doesn't act soon enough so I'll do it for her. Yes karma is a women you can't say anything fucking else! Come on, making people pay for their mistakes by torturing them in some type of way! It screams woman.

Noah will be discharged today. So I'll just go when he's settled at my apartment until he gets his own. I'm not leaving him in a hotel after he just got shot I mean that's just rude!

"Oh and Isla are you and David something?" It's like I can just sense her blushing over the phone.

"Nooooo what are you talking about?" Is all she says in a awkward tone. They soooo are!

"Okay then I gotta go bye"


I look at Adonis

"Sorry man they definitely are something" he sighs

"Fuck" he told me that when they met in the search for me. He kinda got a crush well his words were more like 'yeah she was cute but it's nothing' he refused to say it. But he does, they'd be good together! But she has this David guy. I don't like him, something is really fucking of with that guy.

"Where is he?" I ask Isla when I enter my office building.

"Number 5" is all she says. She means cell number 5.

"Good, thank you" she just nods.

No one has ever found the identity of the Albanian mafia boss. Everyone just knows what he looks like but no name, no nothing! Today will be my lucky day I guess.

I walk down and excitement and rage fill my body. This man almost killed two of the most important people in my life, he did kill someone who i valued as family and now he will die.

"Hello" I say as I enter the room.

"Everyone clear out" the guards do as I say.

He is chained to the wall like the the worthless man he is.

I'm standing here in my black outfit with my standard black loubitons.

"So i do know that you won't speak unless I make you... so let's just get right into the fun!"

I grab a knife, he shot 6 shots in France and 3 into Nathan so 9 stabs seems fair. If I would shoot him 9 times he would die in an instant. Common knowledge you know!

Or let's make this like dart, I do love a good game. And I'm a pro at dart. I smile to myself when I get the idea. I back up against the door and throw the knife into his right shoulder. He grunts his teeth and bite back a scream. He's playing tough.

I take it out his shoulder and back up again. How about left thigh, sounds fun. Bam right where I wanted it. This time he lets out a grunt, it brings a big smile on my face!

Nothing sounds as good as revenge does!

Once I pull out the knife from his thigh he tries to trip me by kicking his foot out. In response I stab the other thigh.

"Don't think your in control here" I say in a calm voice
"You'd hate to see me mad trust me"

He spit in my direction, men really are pigs aren't they!

"That's just disrespectful! Don't you want to die with some dignity?"

"You won't kill me" he finally says

I laugh, I really burst out laughing. He thinks I won't kill him? He's stupid to

"and why is that?"

"Because I have information you want" always the same thing

"And I am god! So now let's just continue shall we?"

"You don't understand! You really want to know this" blah blah blah

"Well tell me and I'll decide if it's good enough after that."

"I'm not stupid"

"You sure?" I say back to him.

After not speaking another word I just throw the knife again this time aiming for the kidney. And I don't miss so... I hit the kidney. He sounds louder for every hit.

"STOP" he yells But I don't care

"HE'S A COP" he says


"Who is a cop?" He just keeps groaning in pain. Oh get over it and just fucking answer you weak ass!


"Wouldn't you like to know" he smiles with blood on his teeth.
Who the fuck could be a cop? No one I know! Or do I have a fucking mole? No? I can't? Can I? Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!

"You think your so tough with your knife! You are the stupid one here bitch! Can't even se a cop under your nose, not just a cop, FBI"

If this is true... FUCK!

I punch him




And again!


He just continue to laugh and smile! I lost control and started just repeatedly Stab him, over and over again. Until I feel myself getting pulled away from the body.


"Fuck can't you see he's long fucking gone! Stop that."

I look at the body and just see blood, nothing but blood.

As I stand too my feet I se my reflection in the mirror.... More blood all over my face. I can't even recognize myself in the mirror.

I just ignore Adonis calling my name as I walk out. I walk past Elijah, Tasha, Isla and Noah not caring about how I look. I ignore their stairs and just look forward while walking past them.

"No one looks at the video footage, I want it on my desk in the next 10 minutes" I say while continue walking.

I can hear their gasps after entering the cell. They've seen what I did too that body, I mean both Tasha and Isla are capable of killing and they do it a lot. But over killing is something else. It's not about revenge anymore, it's pure fun.

It's something an assassin never does.

But all I can keep thinking of is what he said. Is it true? I have to act as if it is.

That means that...

Everyone is a suspect...

Well I guess she had a bit too fun.

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Word count: 1071

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