Chapter Thirty Two

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"This is your last chance, Pearl." Sam stood on the front decking of the Black's house. "We won't be able to protect you from here." He warned.

"I have Seth and Leah, besides, I'm sure my father would defuse any situation before it gets out of control." Pearl stood beside her father in his wheelchair, Leah and Seth coming out of the house, all of which on their way to the Cullen's wedding.

"That's if he's not had too much to drink with Charlie." Sam lightly teased the chief.

"Even so, its just like you said, I can handle myself." She smiled kindly at the Alpha's worries.

"My point is," Sam put his hand over Pearl's that rested on the back of Billy's chair. "You don't have to."

She gently tugged her hand from under his and placed it on top.

"I know." Pearl was sincere.

"We best get going, honey." Billy told his daughter and she continued to wheel him towards the car and help him into the passenger seat, Leah taking the driver's and the two lovers taking the back.

"Oh, and tell Embry I'll miss him!" Pearl called to Sam out the window before Leah could drive off.

"Embry?" Was all Pearl heard Sam say before they were on the road.

"You're really following through with that, huh?" Seth spoke lowly to her in a chuckle.

"Do you want Sam to know your skipping class?" She sassed and Seth shut his mouth.

The car ride to the Cullen's was quiet for the most part, but as soon as they pulled up the beautifully decorated driveway, Alice was already at the door pulling it open for Pearl.

"Pearl!" Alice squealed and yanked Pearl out of the car, encasing her in a hug. "I can't believe you made it!"

"Well it was kind of last minute." Pearl used all of her strength to not get crushed in Alice's arms.

"I still couldn't see if you made up your mind though, that's the thing with you d -" Alice had to refrain herself from calling them anything harmful. "Guys." She finished, awkwardly looking at the glares Leah and Seth sent her way.

"No way, is that Pearl Black and Seth Clearwater?" Chief Swan joined them in the driveway to greet Billy, taken by surprise at Pearl and Seth's immense growth spurt.

"The one and only." Pearl shrugged, sort of uncomfortable with the whole situation.

"My goodness, you've grown!" Charlie was most definitely chocked to see the two, once young an innocent children now twice his muscle mass and pushing him for height.

"Well you guys missed the ceremony," Alice lowered her voice for the next part. "Whether that was on purpose or not I don't know," Not even Charlie needed enhanced hearing to hear that. "But you are just in time for dinner."

Seth liked the sound of that.

"I can smell it from here." He looked to Pearl for assurance.

"Go." She rolled her eyes and not a second later both Seth and Leah raced off, only their stomachs in mind.

"Come on, we got a lot of catching up to do." Charlie whisked Billy away so it was just Pearl and Alice left.

Pearl noticed Alice was extra giddy, but she just assumed it was the whole wedding thing.

"So, I'm here." Pearl shrugged awkwardly as Alice's face was set in stone, a giant grin carved into it.

"Come on, there's heaps of stuff I want to tell you about." Alice snapped in a moment and dragged Pearl into the decorated backyard where half the guests reeked like vampire to Pearl.

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