Chapter Nine

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The next month looked a lot like what had happened the day Jacob changed. He lost his temper at Pearl and Seth all the time, followed by him taking a run through the woods to calm down.

It was rare the nights he would be home when Pearl would go to bed, Jacob would always be out with Sam and the others until some time past midnight, where he would sleep in until midday before eating a meal that would normally feed the whole family.

Well that was on the nights Pearl would be at home herself. Seeming that Jacob wanted nothing to do with her anymore, Pearl spent most of her time over at the Clearwater house where she felt more welcomed then her own home.

"They're looking at you again." Pearl mumbled while she played with her food in the cafeteria of La Push high.

"Probably just Jacob getting me on their bad side again." Seth shrugged as he quickly glanced to the table where the 'Uley gang' sat, all looking back at him.

"I can't wait until they all graduate." She shook her head thinking about them. At that same moment the bell rang for them to head to class.

"Are you coming back to mine?" Seth asked gathering their stuff.

"Of course." Pearl smiled and took her books from his hand. "I have history remember? You've got chemistry." She reminded him.

"Only you would memorise my timetable for me." He sighed in a teasing way.

"I'll meet you at the front then." She pecked his cheek before rushing off to her class.

Pearl basically slept through the whole of last period, especially since Seth wasn't in the class and she didn't really have many other friends. That's why she was the first person out the door when the final bell rang.

Pearl waited on the front steps of the school for Seth as she did almost every day, however today she waited.

And waited.

And waited.

But it got to a point where Pearl started to worry that something was wrong. When the final car left the parking lot, she got out her phone and called Seth but she was only answered with a voicemail.

"Dammit Seth, where are you?" She cursed, redialling his number and tapping her foot impatiently.

As the phone went to voicemail again, the rumble of a car engine caught her attention. She looked up to see her brother's run down, red Volkswagen pulling into the parking lot and skidding to a stop at the front of the steps she stood on.

"Get in." Jacob ordered through the winded down window.

"Excuse me?" Pearl was shocked to see him even talking to her.

"Don't make me drag you." He grumbled, the look in his eyes showed that he wasn't bluffing. Reluctantly, Pearl dragged her feet down the steps and hopped into the passenger seat of his car, making sure to slam the door shut as he drove out of the school.

"I was waiting for Seth." She crossed her arms over chest, glancing at Jacob while keeping her head facing straight forward.

Something about him seemed different from the way he had been acting recently. He had a look of sympathy in his eyes, as he face was slightly contorted which Pearl knew he does when he tries to hide his emotions.

"What's going on? How did you know to pick me up?" Pearl asked, turning her body to look at him but Jacob kept his eyes on the road.

"When's the last time you talked to Seth?" He asked in a quiet tone.

"Lunch." She answered sceptically, not knowing where the conversation was going.

"Pearl." Jacob almost sighed as he spoke. "There's something you should know."

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