Chapter Sixteen

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(The timeline will NOT add up to the movies)

The next morning, when Pearl woke up in Seth's arms, she quietly snuck out of her room and out the back door, still in her pyjamas.

Pearl walked bare foot until she was deep enough into the Forrest that no one would be able to see her as she undressed herself, ready to phase.

As she was still getting used to the whole wolf thing, Pearl stumbled a little as she walked on four feet, but once she felt the rhythm, she started to run.

Pearl ran at her full speed, the trees surrounding her turning into blurs of a mixture of green and brown, but she could still see exactly where she was going.

The feel of the wind blowing through her shortened fur and the sounds of the nearby beach all added to the euphoric rush Pearl experienced while shifted into her wolf.

She would never understand how or why Jacob didn't want her to have all of this, but Pearl had a funny feeling it had something to do with Bella and those blood sucking vampires she hung out with.

Which was exactly where she was headed.

The woods from La Push went all the way into the town of Forks, and conveniently, ended right next to the Swan's resident.

Using her heightened sense, Pearl could tell when she was getting nearer as she could hear some cars on the nearby roads and could see the trees starting to thin.

Not wanting to risk being seen, Pearl shifted back into her usual self, half a mile back, when she found a pile of clothes that had been previously tied to the tree.

Each member of the pack had clothes tied everywhere in the Forrest so they could have something to change into when the shifted back.

However they were all boys, so Pearl was stuck with Quil's old and long muscle shirt and cargo shorts that came to her knees.

Peal jogged up to their front porch and knocked on the front door, feeling slightly relived seeing Charlie's car gone.

When Bella finally opened the door, she was surprised to see Pearl there, but nervously looked around trying to see if her brother had followed.

"I want to talk with you Bella." Pearl said calmly.

From  what she had seen, Pearl liked Bella and didn't want to start a fight with her for no reason.

"Come in." Bella sighed, knowing what she wanted to talk about.

Bella offered her a seat at the dining table, and brushed her fingers through her hair, trying to think of what to say.

"Jacob's worried about you." Pearl started. "He cares about you."

"Pearl, I don't know what he's told you, but you don't understand. Edward and I – " Bella went off track, not knowing what Pearl did and didn't know.

"I know Bella. I know what he is and you know what we are." Pearl tried to contain herself while thinking of the Cullen's, knowing what they meant to her.

"Then surely you would understand why I need to stay away from him, why he needs to stay away from me!" Bella told her, getting worked up.

"What has Jacob ever done for him to need to stay away from you?" Pearl asked, getting angry with the way Bella spoke about her brother.

"Look at what you are Pearl! You're monsters." Bella bit her lip after she let the last word slip from her mouth.

"What, are we not the right type of monster for you? We're no different to your precious little Cullen's." Pearl's voice was getting dangerously low and she had a slight tingle in the back of neck, warning her a phase was coming soon.

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