Chapter Fifteen

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After the Quileute Pack's race to the beach, which Pearl came second to last, Seth the one loosing on purpose for her, Sam thought it was only right to introduce her to all the other imprints of the pack.

"This is my beautiful Racheal." Paul introduced his imprint, she was the same age as him with tanned skin and dark long hair.

"Pearl meet my one and only Kim." Jared was holding hands with a younger looking girl than Racheal, who smiled warmly as Pearl shook her hand.

"Lastly, meet my little Claire." Quil said bouncing a small girl in his arms, this took Pearl off guard, not quite understanding the situation.

"I get that look a lot, there are different stages in imprinting." Quil told her. "If a child is as young as Claire here, the imprint acts like a big brother. As she gets older, I'll become her best friend, and once she is of age, our relationship will grow into a romantic one." He explained.

"That's beautiful, in way." Pearl thought aloud to herself, taking in the features of Claire, looking oddly familiar.

"Yes darling, Claire is my niece." Emily and Sam joined them, reading her expressions. "Lets go sit, I brought doughnuts." She said, holding out a box of goods.

Pearl and Seth walked hand in hand, as did all the other couples, until they all piled on top of each other in the sand.

Pearl sat in Seth's lap, his legs loosely wrapped around hers as their sides were pressed up against Paul and Racheal in the same position.

They all erupted into laughter as Sam plonked himself down on top of Emily and Jared immediately ditched Kim to save the doughnuts from being squashed.

"Pass them round then." Seth reached over Pearl to try to snatch one from Jared but failed miserably.

"I think the ladies shall get first pick." Jared said in his most 'gentleman' voice as he could.

Pearl watched as the box got passed around and it was little Claire's turn to pick, but Quil made sure she only had half, saying she would get a stomach ache if she had a whole one.

It reminded her of when Pearl was little and Jacob would stop her from eating too much junk food, she thought he did it to be a bully, but now she understood.

Thinking of Jacob, she realised that he hadn't followed them to where they all sat. When she looked around, she saw him sitting on a far away log next to Embry, Pearl started to feel a sense of guilt.

"Don't worry about them." Seth whispered in her ear so the others wouldn't hear.

"I'll just tell them to come sit with us." Pearl tried to stand up but Seth kept his strong arms locked around her waist, pulling her back down.

"You have a good heart Pearl, but they're more comfortable over there." He assured her. "Trust me, if they wanted to be with us, they would."

"Their time will come." Sam overheard them and joined in, looking at them upside down as he was still draped over Emily's lap, making Pearl giggle at the sight.

"Besides, more doughnuts for us." Seth chuckled and held one over her head for her to reach up and take a bite out of, and Seth started to laugh at her.

"You have sugar on your nose." He told her, and before she could wipe it off, he leaned down and kissed it off her nose making her stomach fill with butterflies.

"Get a room guys!" Jared repulsed and everyone else started making booing noises, making Pearl's cheeks turn red as she buried her head in Seth's chest.

"Last doughnut!" Paul got their attention, holding it up in the air like a trophy.

"As alpha I think I should have it." Sam put on his 'alpha' voice and opened his mouth while lying down for Paul to throw it in. They all cheered when Paul got a hole in one, earning him a kiss on the cheek from Racheal.

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