Chapter Eight

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"Nice hair cut." Pearl said with as much sarcasm as she could.

"You need to leave." Jacob ignored her and pointed straight at Seth.

"Oh come on, we were kissing, get over it." She groaned, grabbing Seth's arm to stop him from leaving.

"Even though you're only fifteen, that's not the reason he needs to go." He glared right through Seth's soul. Pearl had never seen her brother so . . . furious.

"Okay, I don't know where this is coming from, but if it has anything to do with you hanging out with Sam Uley and his little gang, then we have a problem." She stood in front of Seth in a defensive way.

"You don't know what you're talking about." Jacob said taking a few steps closer to the two, trying to be more intimidating.

"And you do?" Pearl glared just as harshly into her brother's eyes.

"I know you don't like him very much, but you just don't underst-" As the last word left Jacob's mouth, Pearl couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Stop telling me what I do and don't understand!" She yelled at him. "Stop talking about Seth like he's not here! Stop talking about me like I'm nothing but little girl that's to young to know!"

As she screamed, she felt a few tears escape her eyes. Not in sadness, but anger.

"Things have changed." Jacob physically remained calm, but Pearl could spot the pain that entered his eyes at her words.

"What has changed?" She was right in front of his face now, fists clenched at her sides and her face turning red.

"You won't understand." He tried to calm her down, but this was the last straw.

Pearl's open palm collided with Jacob's cheek, a sharp slap echoing throughout the kitchen. Then Pearl went in with a push to his shoulders and starting repeatedly hitting him in the chest, banging her fists on any peace of flesh she could find.

"Pearl stop!" Seth came rushing over, wrapping his arms around her body and pulling her back from him. She screamed and struggled in his grasp, still trying to attack Jacob who didn't seem to be hurt by Pearl's actions.

But his expression had definitely changed.

His chest was heaving up and down at a faster pace.

His jaw was clenched tight.

His hands at his sides had turned into fists and his and his whole body started to tremble.

"Let go of me Seth. Let go!" Pearl hadn't noticed her brother's change and started banging her fists into Seth's arms that kept her trapped.

Before Seth could reply, the front door burst open and a group of boys piled in. It was once again, Sam and his gang.

All shirtless.

"Get Jacob out of here." Sam ordered and Pearl watched as Paul and Jared took an arm of Jacob's each and dragged him out of the house.

"Calm down Pearl." Sam said, turning his attention to her now.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" She screamed at him. Seeing his face again set another fire in her blood and she built up the strength to push Seth off of her and run at Sam.

"Easy there." Quil and Embry stopped her before she could reach him. Both of them trapping her the same way they dragged her brother out.

Pearl soon realised they were much stronger than Seth and it was no use struggling more.

"That's it. We don't need any more accidents today." Sam relaxed as he saw Pearl start to calm down.

"Accidents? What kind of accidents?" She furrowed her eyebrows, looking at each of the boys in her house.

Pearl Black || Seth ClearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now