The Arena

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*Y/N went in the direction where that woman had gone, but she wasn’t there and she didn’t look for her, but just moved on.  Y/N walks around wondering why this woman looks like Nora, and while he was doing this, he saw a sign that said: Do you want a no holds barred fight with big profits?  Come to this official arena and show them your strength!*

Y/N: Hmmm, interesting, but I think that if you go there, then only under the guise of another person.  Otherwise, my parents will be unhappy, to put it mildly.

*You look at the award for victory*

A/N: The starting price for winning is 100,000 golden?  And in subsequent battles, rewards will depend on the bets.

*Y/N decides to register*

Y/N: First I need to hide my appearance so that I won't be recognized.  *And went home*

Father: Hello, son.

Y/N: Hello, dad.  How are you

Father: Okay, what about you?

*Starts entering the room* Y/N: That’s okay too.  Do you know anything about the woman who is a hybrid of a human and a dragon with white scales?

Father: Mmm, no, I've never seen that.  something happened?

Y/N: No, nothing, I just asked.

*You enter the room, take your things and a mask, hiding them in your backpack, and when you leave the room, your father tells you:*

Father: Where are you going?

A/N: I came across some structures where friendly fights take place.

Father: Hmm, this is the first time I’ve heard about this, okay, you can go, just don’t be late.

Y/N: Bye, dad!  *And you leave the house and go to the address you saw on the poster.*

*Inside the building*

*You were dressed in your disguise and walked up to the front desk where the female lizard was sitting.*

Receptionist: Hello, can I help you with anything?

Y/N: Hello, I want to register here.

Receptionist: Well, then you need to sign the documents, wait a minute * she goes into some room and after a few minutes, the lizard comes with the documents in her paws *.  Here, sign up and don't forget to write your nickname, don't worry, you can write your real name if you want, but mostly the members don't do that.

*You take the documents in your hands and see the inscription: Attention!  This document must be signed to prevent us from being held liable in the event of your death.*

Y/N: *In thoughts* Is it possible to die here?  Although yes, these are fights without rules and anything is possible there.  Well, I'll take the risk.

*You took the pen in your hand and, without hesitation, signed this document, and then moved on to the second document, where you had to write your “second” name.  You thought for a long time, but didn’t come up with anything, until memories of a dialogue with Beng appeared in your empty head, who talked about his old student under the name Garou, whose name means “Hungry Wolf”, and you decided to call yourself “Sea Wolf  "  Since you wanted to pay tribute to Garu as a fighter, and secondly, your girlfriend is a sea creature, the very color scheme of your eyes and clothes is similar to the color of the sea, especially since you are not hungry.
When you wrote in the document, you gave everything the lizard woman needed, to which she replied:*

Registrar: Great, here is your number, you can prepare for the fight, we don’t do tests, physical or other preparation is not important to us, if you are weak, then that’s your problem.  After you receive the slip with the number, go to the room to my right.  *Hands over a piece of paper with a number.*

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