Chapter 14: Stupid Girl

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This is a bad idea!

So what am I still doing here?!

That too, at almost twilight!

The sun is nearly down the horizon and here I am, wandering around in this forbidden forest.

To search for a demon.

Not just any demon but a beast!

A black majestic lion who is supposedly the only one who can help me in helping my demon boys.

I shouldn't have acted on impulse. I should've sat there with them and thought this through.

Surely there would've been another solution!

It isn't too late to turn around now...

But I have come way to far to back out of this.

C'mon, (Y/N)! You can do this!

What's the worse that could happen anyway?

He'll most likely tear me apart and devour my shredded pieces..

Those sharp claws will pierce through my skin, digging in deeper into my flesh, drawing out pools of blood.

His razor sharp canines ripping my organs and flesh as I get mauled to death by him.

"If I see you or these dumb friends of yours ever again, I'm telling you, human, you won't live another second to breathe."

That wasn't an empty threat he gave to me that day, it was a promise.

Yeah so.. What's the worse that could happen?

I just have to be quick in explaining him the situation but I don't think he'll be patient once he lays his mismatched eyes on me again.

Which makes me wonder... Will he really be willing to help Kian and Cassius like they claimed he would?

I mean... Beasts are known to be ruthless. They're sadistic and won't think twice in betraying someone.

But the trust the demons have in him.. It was visible in their eyes..

I'm really stupid, aren't I?

I should've just tried to talk to the Shaman. I'm sure I could've convinced him. But I was desperate to free them when I saw the miserable condition the Charmer and the Shadow were in.

You know what? I'm going back...

Call me a coward but I'm not risking my life.

No, it's not because I'm selfish. It's just that.. If I really died here in this forest.. The demons would still be trapped with the Shaman until he curses them again..

But if I go back, I'll definitely find another solution..

Yes. It's decided then.

Feeling a small sense of relief that I won't have to interact with the Beast, I start to head back again.

The sky was getting darker and darker with each passing minute, giving this damned forest a more eerie effect than it already had.

With hurried steps and eyes fixed only on the straight path ahead of me, not bothering to check my surroundings, I was almost running back to the town.

Lesson learnt: Never take any decisions on impulse. Always think it through left and right.

But then I would be left over thinking it..

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