Chapter 12: Half Demon

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"What the fuck?..." Were the words that escaped from my mouth when my eyes fluttered open.

My gaze immediately fell on my bandaged arm. It took me a few seconds to process why it was wrapped up in a gauze. And when I did process it, I abruptly leaped out of the bed I was lying on, in my room, and went to open the door to walk out.

"(Y/N)?! (Y/N), are you okay?" Jenna's concerned voice made me halt my descend from the staircase.

"Yeah.. I guess." With much more slower steps, I continued as my head started to spin again.

"What in the hell happened in my house?!" Jenna took my arm and led me to the couch in my living room once I was at the bottom of the staircase.

"You don't remember?" Sylvia scoffed.

"Why is she still here?!" I turned to look at Jenna with annoyance written all over my features.

Jenna kept silent, fiddling with her fingers nervously.

I looked at Sylvia again as she met my eyes. With an exaggerated eye roll, she looked away, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"She helped me in taking care of you.." Jenna muttered after a few minutes.

"Yeah right." I scoffed.

"So? Will any of you tell me what happened after I passed out?!" I asked again when none of them initiated conversation.

"The Shaman burned your arm to get those demons to come out to save you-"

"That motherfu-"

Jenna coughed. I stopped my sentence.

"As he'd already told us, those demons have formed a connection to you... They're attached to you, (Y/N)."

I didn't say anything. What do I even think about this? Why didn't they find someone else to form a connection to?!

"And so... When they realised that you're in pain, they didn't even think twice and jumped out to save you.. The Shadow struck his tentacle to the Shaman's hand that was burning your arm with those beads and in doing so, he was badly injured due to the power of those beads."


"He immediately contorted in pain, his entire tentacle started vapourising as it burned, making him scream in agony..."

No Cassius.. Why would you do that? You knew it would be dangerous for you.. Yet why?

"And Kian?" Jenna let out a short, sad laugh.

"He tried fighting the Shaman.. But.."

"But?" I pestered.

"Of course he had no chance against that Shaman. Even though it was two of them, they were easily defeated.. Cassius was already in so much pain and Kian wasn't able to hold off the Shaman for longer.

"The Shaman had somehow managed to throw one of his beads necklace around Kian's neck. The effect was immediate when Kian collapsed down on his knees, clutching his head tightly. His entire body burned as black vapours rose out from him..." Jenna then completely turned to look at me, taking one of my hands in her hold.

"You know, (Y/N)... Kian was in so much pain.. Tears couldn't stop rolling down his face as he pleaded the Shaman to at least hold you once.. He himself was burning but he still cared about you.."

My throat suddenly felt heavy. The little time that I had spent with them, it all pictured in my mind. Cassius's shy and reserved nature.. His flustered expressions and kind personality...

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