Chapter 11: Shaman's powers

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"Oh no! They're here!" I cried out in panic.

Okay.. I tried to be calm but there's nothing calm about this situation!

What will happen to me if they find out that I'm accommodating not one but two demons who were supposed to be trapped in that forest!

They will banish me from the town!

But wait.. Why would they banish me? It was Sylvia who supposedly got them out of the forest according to her fake story.

Fucking hell.. I'm panicking for no reason.

But why the hell are they standing out of my house?!

Hearing my distressed call, Cassius frantically crept up from the shadow of a table beside me.

I would've screamed given I wasn't worrying about the current situation.

I think I should be used to this behaviour of his by now.

"What happened, (Y/N)? Is something wrong?" The shadow's soft voice felt like harmony to my ears.

"What is it, darling?" Kian got up from the couch and faced me.

"You two need to leave! The Shaman! He's here!" I whisper yelled with widened eyes.

Both the demons stilled. Before Kian could do something, Cassius took him in his arms and fled the scene, disappearing into the shadows.

I took a few deep breaths and went over to open the door which was now being loudly banged by people.

I twisted the knob and hesitantly opened the door, coming face to face with a pair of striking green eyes.

The Shaman.

He was in his traditional clothes, giving off a positive kind of intimidating aura.. If that made sense. He had several brown beads hanging around his neck and his hair were the darkest shade of black colour someone's hair could be.

But he wasn't an adult man as I was expecting him to be. He seemed to be around my age, if not older.

After I was done observing him for a good few seconds, I raised my head to look at his face and recoiled when I saw the most stoic expression plastered over his face a human could muster.

"Yes?" I dumbly asked.

That's when I saw the Mayor of the town, along with Sylvia and a few of the other adults of the town standing behind the Shaman.

The Shaman rudely pushed past me inside my own house and closed his eyes, trying to feel something.

"Hello? Who allowed you in my-"

"Are they here?" The Mayor interrupted me and entered the house, cowering behind the Shaman.

"Oh they have to be! She's trying to take my pets away!" Sylvia raised an accused finger at me.

"What pets?!" I scowled at her.

"The demons! Where have you hidden them?!" She yelled and grabbed me my the arms.

The crowd started muttering among themselves, some were frowning with worry and distress while some looked excited for a new thrill in life.

"Quiet!" Everything simmered down upon the yell of a powerful deep voice.

The Shaman had his eyes opened now and was glaring at everyone who came in view of his sight.

"Only the Mayor, these girls and I will be here in this house, rest may all leave." The tone of his voice didn't leave room for any objection.

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