Chapter 5: Charmer's control

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"...What deal..?" I asked the Charmer who stood beside me, grinning smugly.

"I don't want to make any deal with these disgusting humans." The beast snarled in his deep, rageful voice. An angry growl soon followed after his words were phrased, highlighting his strong dislike of the idea of associating with us in any way.

"Who are you calling disgusting?!" Sylvia gasped in offense with a dramatic expression on her face.

The glare that his sharp eyes directed at her zipped her up instantly, a visible shudder running down her spine as she inconspicuously tried to take Jenna's hand in hers, gripping it.

"They'll break the curse and make us free from this forest." The Charmer cheered.

"WHAT?!" Sylvia and I yelled at the same time, Jenna just standing there with frightened eyes.

"No! We're not doing that!" I sneered.

"You will if you want to go back alive." I tightened my fists, wanting nothing more than to just punch that smug look off of the Charmer's face.

I gritted my teeth in frustration at the situation I was in. There's no way I'd free these demons to put everyone in town in danger.

And there's no guarantee that they'll let us be alive.

Suddenly, a sinister laugh echoed in the surroundings around us. It was empty, bitter and deranged. A laugh only a heartless monster is capable of emitting, so emotionless that only someone who's completely devoid of any type of feelings in heart can make.

It was the Beast.

"These coward beings will never do that." And with that, he transformed into the same majestic black lion from before as he pounced on Jenna.

My friend screamed for her life as he raised his paw and scratched her across the face with his sharp claws.

"JENNA!" Sylvia and I stared at the scene in horror as blood spilled out on the ground around her head.

"PLEASE STOP!" I yelled as he roared loudly before he tried to clench his pointed canines around her arm to tear it apart from her body.

Then out of nowhere, shadow tentacles appeared around the lion as they tried to pull him off of Jenna's small body.

The lion roared and jumped around to get away from the black tentacles, trying to attack them with his claws but it was no use as more and more tentacles wrapped themselves around him.

Sylvia helped Jenna to get up on her feet and pulled her into her arms, trying to calm down her terribly shaking body.

I ran over to my friends and hugged them tightly.

"Oh my god! Jen, your face!" Sylvia and I gasped as we saw the huge claw marks across her face which were leaking blood. Her entire face looked unrecognisable under all the blood and dirt which stuck to her skin.

"H-he almost k-killed me!" Jenna cried out before her eyes rolled back in her head and she passed out in Sylvia's arms.

"We need to leave!"

As soon as I shouted those words, the lion stopped all movement and went eerily still.

He transformed back into the handsome man from before as he pulled on the tentacles and freed himself as his human form was smaller than the lion form.

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