The End

846 13 6

We have spend every day together for these past last days of the summer, we talk about everything on our minds, from the weird science teacher we had in year 9 to the existence of God, so when she prefaced that she wanted to talk with me I got really scared.

"What's up?" I say

"Viv," she looks at me with her sweet brown eyes "I have a plan,"

"A plan for what?"

"A plan to get out of here," she says

I stare at her in disbelief, not sure as to what is to come 

"I got a record deal, and I'm going to Liverpool to record it," she says

"Oh my God that's amazing!" I say in excitement but she holds her composure and it grounds me back to our reality

"Wait," I say "Are you leaving me?" 

"No, the plan is that you come with me," she says, holding my hand 

"No, no I can't, I can't leave my mum here," I say frowning 

"I thought you wanted to leave this place," she says

"I do, but, but, I can't go to Liverpool, I have a life here," I say 

"No you don't, you don't have a job, you don't have any friends, you've already finished school, this is our chance, Viv,"

She's right, I can tell she's had this conversation before, she knows how the script goes, tears start to form and I can feel them rushing down my face

"But, this is too sudden, we just, we just kissed a few days ago, I can't afford to make big life decisions on a whim," I say, letting go of her hand

"Viviane," She frowns confused as to why I am so against this, and I can see her trying to form her words, she begins to go off script, "I have lived next door to you for 18 years, I have been your friend, I have been your enemy, I have seen you happy, I have seen you mad, angry, sad, don't you get it? I can't live my life without you in it."

"But, Blake," I say, the tears are rushing down at this point, she starts to wipe them with both hands 

"Viviane," her eyebrows tighten 

"I can't,"

Her whole face tightens now and I can see her fighting off the tears 

"Blake, don't cry, I can't, I can't do this if you cry," I say

"I need to get my things, they're going to be here soon," She lets go off my face and walks out 

I fall to the floor and cry, I see her walk out into the corridor from her flat with a backpack with her face as clear as day, I stand up and go up to her and we hear a horn 

We look down and see her agent standing outside next to a black car 

"Are you ready to be a star?" He shouts excited 

She looks at me her eyes now visibly red, she kisses me then hugs me tight and in a matter of seconds I'm standing here as I watch her go into the elevator

My mind tries to sort through all the emotion, through everything that's happening, how one minute she's here and the next she's gone and I realise she's forgotten something. 

I grab her bass, run down back to the corridor, the lift is taking forever, I run downstairs and when I get to the ground floor the car is already making its way out of my eye sight, so I keep running, I keep running until she sees me in the viewfinder

"Ooh I bet you're excited kid, a lot of great things are coming your way," her agent says from the front seat, oblivious to the girl running behind their car

"Stop the car," Blake says

The car stops and I catch up to it feeling barely any air inside my lungs, she puts her window down and I somehow manage to let it out 

"I love you, and I have always loved you, you're going to Liverpool? I'm there already telling you your music is too damn loud," I say

She opens her car door and grabs me into a hug and we kiss

"I love you too you," she says not letting go of me 

"Come on ladies, we have places to be!" Her agent says 

We both smile at each other and let out a giggle, she holds my hand whilst we go into the back seat and in the sunset we drive away. 

The End 

She Plays BassWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt