Bass Player Blake

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There's a big line of people trying to go inside the pub and as we walk closer we start to pass posters with Blake's face on them and a few girls whispering to their friends in excitement as they see her, I just can't believe all this commotion is for my everyday next door neighbour Blake, I can't believe I never even knew about it but I don't think I've ever felt more important passing all those people in line.

"Hey!" A tall man in a black suit and a t shirt greets Blake smilling with open arms

"Hey! How are you?" She says jumping into his hug

"Happy to see my big star is here!" He says "You ready for this?" He asks

"Yup, I just got a new bass yesterday,"

"Maze balls! Call me when you're set up!" He says walking towards a woman with a headset who's heading backstage

Blake looks back at me "See you when it ends?" She asks

"I'll be in the bar trying to wake up from this weird dream," I say recovering from my mouth being at the floor

"Shut up," she smiles pushing my shoulders back

I ask for a beer sheepishly giving the bartender my id not believing it myself that I'm already 18

I take a sip and the lights go down

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have quite a new star in the building performing, so sit back, relax and put your hands together for Blake McCarthy!"

I look at her, holding her new guitar in the spotlight, she inches closer to the microphone and begins to play some chords, from then on I'm completely captivated by her.

I'm not the only one, from the first note she sings people get drawn into her song and thrist for more as if they were looking for water in the desert.

The music changes speed from slow to fast and people start to move, she moves the audience as if they were puppets in the show, and I am no exception, I feel her music pass by my skin, and when we meet eyes she sees this, she knows that this would happen and I see a slight smirk from her. This is the same old smug Blake.

The set ends too soon after a few hours and we are then sat in a chicken and chip shop.

"You were amazing." I say still in disbelief

"Oh stop, you don't need to make fun of me," she says modestly

I eat chips, "No, I mean it, I liked your performance," I reasure her

"You did?"

She knows I did

"I can be nice you know," I say "I'm not always a bitch,"

"I know, I just didn't think it would be your type of music," 

"Why not?" I frown

"You have to give it to me, it is quite gay," She says

That doesn't mean anything to me, gay, straight, bisexual, good music is good music.

"Does your dad know about it?" I ask in an accidental whisper

"Oh, definitely not," She stands up, throwing out her finished box

"Where are you going?" I ask her

"Remember thrift shop girl?" She smiles

"So you did ask her out," I awe

"I told you I didn't need any coaching," she says

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