The Birthday Party

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I think I'm over the whole situation with Harper and Anna, they did me dirty but as much as I try to get clouser they will never understand me and all I can do really is give myself clouser, I can't force them to understand me if they simply don't, I need to focus on myself.

It's a the morning again and I prepared myself some snacks and a lot of normal park activities to do by myself.

I shut the door behind me and let a new chapter in my life begin, that's when I see Blake coming from the elevator looking like a hot mess.

"You look like a mess," I say as she walks up to her door

"Where are you going?" she asks 

"To the park." 

"Alone?" She asks 

"Yeah," i say

"Do you know if my dad is home?" She asks

I nod, she looks hesitant

I grab her hand "Come, let's get you cleaned up,"

She sleeps in my bed the whole morning.

I entertain myself by using my sketchpad from the normal park activities bag and I attempt to draw Blake, but when she wakes up I'm not in the bedroom anymore, I'm in the kitchen.

"Smells nice," she says

I stiffen up hearing her voice and I can't brush off this weird feeling

"Oooo are they pão de queijo?" She asks

"You remember them?" I ask

"Yeah, your mum used to make them on your birthdays," she says

"How on earth do you still remember that," I ask

She goes to get one and I say "You should wait for them to cool down,"

"Ouch! it burns," she says picking one up

"Why do I even bother," I roll my eyes, opening the sink

"I love it when you get angry,"

I take her hand to the tap but I don't let it go, I keep on holding it

"Oi," my mum comes through the front door and I leave Blake's hands

Mum then looks inside the kitchen "Oh hello Blake," she says

"Hi," Blake says looking back at her

"I didn't know you were coming over," mum says

"Yeah, I'm actually leaving," she says

"You are?" I ask her in confusion

"Yeah, I have another gig at 6,"

"Can I come with you?" I ask

"Viv, you're helping me cook today, besides, I haven't told you you could go out." mum says

"Oh yeah," I say "See you tomorrow Blake?"

"Bye bye," she says waving at us

She sends me the location and texts "It's a party, it probably won't end until the morning,"

It's not my first time sneaking out, mum works so much that she has turned into a heavy sleeper.

I arrive there, it wasn't that far, it's a flat in Dalston and from the window I can already see hipster teens over drinking.

You would've never imagined it to be as big on the inside seeeing it from the outside, I pass through the drunk (or drugged) hipsters surrounding the band playing and I see Blake singing and strumming her guitar as front woman.

She smiles and nods when she sees me, I smile back to her and suddenly I feel as if I'm the only person in the room.

Until a voice calls me.

"Hii," It's thrift shop girl

"Hey," I smile

"Isn't she the coolest?" She asks

"Yeah," I say

The band stops and we all cheer as Blake shouts "Happy Birthday Cassie!" to a gounger girl wearing a tiara and boa smiling around wide looking at her friends.

Blaks walks down to us as a crowd moves their attention elae where.

"Hey," Blake reaches us and rests her arm behind thrift shop girl's waist, she's definitely tipsy

"You were incredible!" Thrift girl says

"Thanks," she smiles

"Thoughts?" She asks looking at me

"Not bad," I say smiling, then the girl also looks at me and I feel like I should disappear into oblivion

"Do you guys know where the toilet is?" I ask in fear

"Second door to the left," Thrift shop girl says

"Thanks," I say embarrased

I walk around the crowds of people and walk back when I see the long line at the toilet that's when I see Blake dancing with the girl, their bodies moving in sync, their hands grassing eachother, them eventually kissing and something burns inside me like something has never burnt before. I watch them, I stare at them then Blake looks at me and something in her eyes change.

"Umm, I have to go, it's getting late," I say standing there awkwardly

"But you just got here," Blake says

"I know, but um, I have to umm, go," I say walking out, wondering if she even heard me

I pass through the hipsters and outside and she instinctally follows me.

"What's wrong? Did I do something?" She asks

"Leave me alone," I say walking down the street, trying to remember where the bus stop is

"Viviane, tell me the truth, what's going on?" She asks

I turn around towards her

"You're getting on my nerves that's what, you give me all this attention, we hang out every day and then you invite me to a party just to look cool to some girl," I say

She looks bewildered, then she grabs me and we kiss

The kiss is hot, we kiss like I've never kissed before and when she lets me go I am speechless for a second.

I look into her eyes, she looks into mine and I wonder if we've ever stood this close

"Was that your attempt to make me shut up?" I ask trying to stop myself from smiling

"It worked didn't it?" She asks

I reach for her jaw again and I kiss her again as she holds me by my waist

"Come, let's get out of here," she says

She grabs my hand and we start running

I don't even care where we are going, we run on way then another way and we arrive at a park

"Is this even legal?" I ask as we jump through the gates

"Definitely not," she says helping me down, then she grabs my waist and we kiss again, leaning into the gates, then we run up toward the hill holding hands

"Very romantic, I'm sure I'm not the only girl you've brung," I say

"Fo the park? Oh trust me, you're definitely the first one," she says

I playfully push her shoulder and then she holds me again, we keep kissing until we are sat and then eventually on the floor, her hand feels my body whilst the other is holding my neck and then she starts to unbutton my jeans.

She Plays BassOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora