Blake's New Girl Friend

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Mum and I have just finished the Saturday grocery shopping and we are now walking to our door with both hands full of heavy bags.

"Viviane, I don't know, I just noticed you've been more distracted lately," Mum says "Is everything okay?"

"Sim mamae," I say ("Yes mum" in Portuguese)

"Are you sure? I mean, I know I haven't been home much, I've had to work a bit more, prices are going back up you know? and,"

I notice a girl standing by Blake at her door, the girl's giggling and I'm struck by surprise, I haven't seen Blake have a girl over in ages. 

"Voce tem a chave?" My mum asks ("Do you have the keys?")

"Yeah, here," I let down my Aldi bags on the floor to get the door keys from my pocket and Blake's and my eyes meet, I open the door and the girl looks back at me as my mum passes through, I smile awkwardly and go in. 

After helping mum with the groceries I like to end my Saturday's at the thrift shop, I don't always do it but I enjoy it because currently it's the best way to get new clothes without having to beg my mum for money, I also like thrift shops because I go in, I try something on, I can put it back and I don't feel eyes following me at my every move.  

So I do just that, I go in, I get stuff I want to try on, I try it on but when I get out of the changing rooms I see Blake outside talking to the cashier who's on her smoke break. 

I leave the store and pass by them, I look at her, and she looks at me as if we never even met. 

I sit at the bus stop and after a few minutes I go into my bus, incidentally, Blake also gets into the same crowded bus, we are then both standing holding the same bus pole, the bus begins to move.

"So is that your new girlfriend?" I ask

"She's not my girlfriend," she says catching my eyes

"You both looked pretty close to me," I say

"You trespass my house and now you're interested in my love life, you should start minding your business more often," she says

The bus stops, and the bus suddenly gets empty

"I wasn't trespassing," I say, the bus continues 

"Technically... you did," She says 

"Whatever, I'm sorry," I say "But you do listen to music like a deaf person," 

The bus stops, "Whatever, see you later," She says stepping out  

I had the itch to ask her where she was going but I didn't want to prove her point 

"Sorry, excuse me," A guy says trying to make his way past me

I turn around, it's him, his eyes flare up, my eyes flare up, it's my ex.

He runs out of the bus 

I run out after him, then he runs faster, I run faster and he turns and then he stops 

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" he shouts


He steps back holding both of his hands up "Look, Viv, I don't think you're in a good headspace right now, please I said I'm sorry, you have to move on," He begs 

I realise where we are a neighbourhood with nice tall white house, this is where Harper lives.

I see her walking out of her house, then I see her parents walk out holding each other above the stairs in their front door 

"What's going on?" Harper asks him worried, she doesn't even bother to look at me, it's as if he's the little scared boy whose being chased by a big scary ghost that only he can see.  

He stays looking at me brows furrowed. 

"Well ain't this a fucking show," I say laughing

"You two are assholes!" I raise my voice

"Viviane," Harper says trying to shut me down 

"And I hope you live your happy miserable lives in your asshole kingdom, because you both fucking suck!" I say to them, then I walk back 

This is when a bomb would be set off in the background, but I don't know what really happened, my guess if that they just stood there with mouths to the floor then went on inside to have an awkward dinner, but it's already to be known that they would have an awkward dinner regardless because he has the personality of a rock.

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