Blake & Viviane

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Daylight emits into my eyes and I see her, she brushes my shoulder with her hand

"Viv, viviane,"

I open my eyes completely and she's smiling at me

"They're cleaning up the park let's go," 

Blake and I kissed, can you believe it? I can't believe it myself yet and feel like shouting it to the whole world. It's not like this is the first girl I've kissed, Harper and I used to practise for boys all the time but this time, feeling Blake's lips on mine it felt different, it's weird to say it but it felt like something I had never felt before. I guess I'm bisexual now, actually I don't guess, I know. 

We lay in my bed for the rest of the day, just looking at each other, two fools in love

"I should have kissed you sooner," she says starry eyed

"Why did it take us all this time?" I ask in disbelief that there could've been a time where she was just next door to me and all I could see her as was as my neighbour.  

"You were in a relationship, remember?" She says

"Oh yeah." I scrunch my nose in disgust, remembering the past situation

A feeling like this had never felt so strong, I thought I knew what being in love was, how it felt or how it was supposed to feel but this, being with Blake, or just around her made everything feel immensely different. I loved her and I have always loved her, even when I didn't yet know it.   

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