4- A day at school

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Olivia's pov.

I woke up from the alarm of my phone this time.

It's Monday again...


I got off the bed and did my normal routine. "Morning Olivia, that breakfast is for Courtney, this one for Jasmine, and here's yours" Anna opened the lower drawer and showed a Tupperware with food inside.

Anna is the only person who's nice to me, she's an omega, 53 years old and is kind to everyone...

"Thank you Anna" I said and took the tray to bring it to the señoritas...

"Just leave it on the table" Courtney said while applying mascara, I turned around to leave when she called me.

"One moment sis"

I turn to face her

"Pink or blue?" She shows 2 tops

"Pink suits you" I answered

"Thanks.... For someone who doesn't have fashion sense" she said with a smirk...
I would if I have money to buy clothes for myself...

"Go now, shoo shoo" she said. I just silently clenched my fist and went out, nobody likes being treated by your younger sibling like that.

I sighed, it's not like I can do anything about it.

I delivered all their breakfast and went to the Luna, "excuse me luna, but can I leave early?" I prayed silently that God would reach to her heart to say yes.

Luna Tina sighed as she nods with her hands waving, telling me to shoo.

"Thank you Luna" I closed the door and celebrated in my head.

I took the breakfast Anna made for me and Gucho as well, going towards the forest...

I hid my breakfast inside my bag and went deeper the forest, I climbed up when I saw the big rocks which leads to a small cave near the road. People don't usually go here, no one knows about this place so this is where I hide my bike...
I turned around to look at the beautiful view of the sea. I sat down and took my breakfast out.

"Thank you for the food" I shortly prayed and started eating...

Anna went to Philippines for awhile and that explains the rice breakfast. She's half filipino, a half werewolf, she could leave the pack and start anew in the Philippines but she said she wanted to accompany me...


After eating, I took Gucho to a house where an old lady keeps dogs....
I requested if she can take care of Gucho and she agreed.
I pat and hug her good bye and left

Next, I head for school.
I arrived on time together with Courtney, Jasmine, and their popular gang.
They pretend not to know me today, and I'm thankful for that.

I don't have friends at school, I used to have some in elementary but they all failed me and now treating me like no one. Hurts but it's okay, at least I don't have anyone to look back to in this place...

Our school is a human-werewolf school, humans doesn't know about the werewolves of course, all the teachers are werewolves, including the principal except for the math teacher ...

I went to class which is Math and sat down, I'm quite lucky I'm not in the same class as the others (Courtney and Jasmine)

After school, I did what I usually do, going to the human territory cause I work, I work in a flower shop. I could have worked in a cafe and stuff but last time I did, I never got a chance that Courtney and her gang wouldn't be there....
So I realized a flower shop is nice, my boss is also very nice.
After that, I go home and prepare their dinner, but sometimes I don't need to cause we have omegas to. I just actually help out...

Thinking about it sounds like I have a very not that bad life but it's different.......


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