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"Oh my god! We're here!" Giselle cried out with a wide grin. Moment by moment she seemed to get more excited now that they reached their first destination for their day trip. They planned to travel for a week per year to relieve stress from their work. Taiwan, Hong Kong, Bangkok, and China were on their bucket list to be ticked-off, and this year they decided to have a relaxing trip for two weeks instead of dealing with the jetlag of a long flight.

Drew had planned for them to visit a few landmarks of Australia since they had never been to any of these places. Even though they were officially citizens of Australia, having been granted citizenship last year, they hadn't explored much. After 4 years of living in their new country, they were happily working at their second job in Melbourne.

They had taken a road trip and made a few stops around Melbourne city, and Philip Island would be their last stop before taking a flight to the Gold Coast for a week. The Koala Conservation Reserve and the Wildlife Coast Cruises trip at Phillip Island was a surprise for Giselle because koalas and Dolphins had always been her favorite creatures all time, and the Koala Conservation was newly opened about a year ago.

"I'm pretty sure they're gonna like you," Drew joked with a chuckle as Giselle grinned in return.

"Of course, they do! Koalas like friendly people."

"Especially for those who are cuddly," Drew quipped while they were walking into the entrance of the Koala conservation hand in hand.

"Don't get jealous if they hug me," Giselle said while her eyes were gleaming, and couldn't wait to see the adorable furry bears.

It was enjoyable to see the koalas. They were so chill and having fun in the trees. There had been something that caused a lot of visitors to giggle and take videos of them when the furry tiny bears' voices were a surprise! Especially when they were fighting with their growling voices that sounded threatening yet looked innocuous.

Meanwhile, Giselle was giggling when a male koala was growling at her, and Drew started taking a video of the candid encounter. The crew explained to them that it was a sign the naughty koala was flirting with her.

"You're supposed to save me!" Giselle playfully complained to Drew.

"Gosh! He likes you!" Here came another delighted voice from a girl as the girls shifted their attention to a dark-haired girl that was about Giselle's height. She was holding a little girl about three years old who resembles the lady's face a lot, and a tall blonde lady sharing the same friendly smile as the dark-haired girl and looking at the couple and the koala.

"Do you want me to take some photos of you?" the blonde offered as her smile grew wider.

"I'd love that, thank you very much!" Drew was pleased and she quickly switched off her video from her mobile and politely passed it to the blonde. Meanwhile, the shorter girl with her child tried to stand aside and let the blonde take pictures of the girls and the koala. However, the photo was epic when the koala shifted his attention to Drew, he tried to sniff at her hair and everyone laughed at it.

"Thank you so much!" Giselle thanked the blonde and she shared a look at Drew, and the taller girl nodded her head in return as Giselle said sweetly, "That's kind of you, and we're happy to help you too."

"Sure thing! But hey, we would be happy for both of you to join us!" the blonde said with a grin while she was passing her camera to the crew and asking to take pictures of them. The shorter girl eagerly nodded her head at the blonde and turned back to waved at a boy who was around the girl's age she was holding and said, "Miles, come over here and take a photo with our new friends!"

A broad grin spread on his face as he ran toward their side and greeted the new girls with a soft voice and waved at them, "Hi, nice to meet you!"

Of course, the couple melted at the sweet greeting from the boy, but they had to hurry to let the crew take photos before having a nice chat with the ladies because they didn't want to hold up the long line of visitors. Since everyone would love to take a nice picture with a handful of adorable koalas to have a sweet memory of the visit.

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