Chapter Twenty Four

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"I'm sorry!" Amy breathed out with a cheery grin as she sat on the chair across from Giselle.

"It's okay, I don't want to go back there any time soon," Giselle assured her as she sighed a little. She gently pushed a glass of water for her best friend who might need it after having to rush to meet her.

Amy thanked Giselle and took the glass of water to drink as she seemed to need so much of it to cool off. Giselle was having a half smile while looking at the empty seat next to her. It was wishful thinking that the trio could have a lunch date with laughter and jokes at the same table that they shared last week.

"You must have waited here for so long," Amy breathed out again after taking a half glass of water. The tiny girl swiftly waved at the waiter politely so that they could place order for the food. She also ordered Giselle's favorite food even though Giselle had no appetite after a week of hard times at work with her new co-worker who replaced her favorite senior.

"Not at all, I was out earlier," Giselle said with a small smile to her sweet friend.

"Good! You made a wise choice!" Amy winked at Giselle making her, "I don't think Miss Sloth could survive any longer. I already sent her an email as a gentle reminder for her to submit her work to me before the deadline!" Amy facepalmed and sighed, "That job Drew can send to me within 30 minutes after I passed for her. Didn't Miss Monica complain about her?"

Giselle shook her head and said, "Miss Monica just told me she needed me to work nights at home and she promised I can apply for OT."

"Has she lost her mind?" Amy said in disbelief and held Giselle's forearm and said, "That's unfair! You are too nice, Giselle. Monica should fire her."

"That's okay, since I'm bored and work is helping me to sleep after that," Giselle said with a small smile while she linked Amy's hand as assurance.

"Just apply to my department if that woman keeps bullying you?" Amy used a free hand to cover Giselle's hand and squealed, "Anyway, I'm so glad you finally agreed to see me!"

"I'm glad too, Amy. But I hope you would understand about my situation," Giselle said while trying to control her emotions before the tears rolled from her light brown eyes.

"Of course, I do, Giselle. Drew sent her regards for you," Amy said with a sad smile while leaning back in her seat and the waiter served the lunch on their table.

Giselle chuckled it off to avoid the emotion taking over her when she heard Drew's name. She had been missing her since the day they separated. Very much. "Thank you. Send my regards to her too."

Since that incident, depression and anxiety had taken Giselle's happy smile that she used to have. When she got a call from her brother after Drew left the office, she was afraid he would report to the police and cause them to get arrested. She was lost but just complied with her brother after he had threatened her with his knowledge about Drew.

After they got back home, Jordan did a great job to get their parents heartwarming smile turned into distaste after they watched the clip that had recorded from him. Giselle's parents looked angry and disappointed and had taken her phone and car keys from her to avoid her looking for Drew. Giselle didn't even get any chance to explain anything and was dismissed by her parents and got back to the room. Giselle's mind was drained and too tired to think but cried until she fell asleep.

Aside from Amy, Giselle couldn't trust anyone in the office since her parents warned her to behave and that someone would watch her for them. Giselle wanted to protect Amy and keep her from getting into trouble, and she had advised Amy to intercom her discreetly. The girls were smart, their conversation would be a discussion of work, but they could catch each other's meaning whenever they talked.

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