Chapter Ten

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The brunette chuckled softly while she overheard some of her co-workers venting about their tiredness after cleaning up the house after the house party with their relatives and friends for the Christmas celebration.

Meanwhile, Giselle checked the time on her phone and noticed that there was merely a minute left for everyone to clock in before getting tardy. It didn't seem normal for her senior to not be here, since she would inform in a group chat if she was going to be late, but she didn't.

Giselle started wondering what had happened to her senior to cause her absence today. The last message from her was a Christmas greeting that she returned, and she didn't text her again after that.

Most of the time Drew would constantly reply to any message from Giselle, even though they casually chatted during their weekends. They also had talked a lot during their lunch breaks or any other spare time whenever they were taking a minute away from work. Giselle had sensed something had happened since her senior was quiet, and she had sent a few texts to her senior again after that, but there was no reply at all.

Worries were taunting the brunette, she wanted to know about it, but she hesitated since Drew never said anything at the moment. Giselle had to drop it and never wanted to invade her privacy. When the lights came on, it was a sign that the brunette had to get ready for her kick-off.

Two hours had passed, and the time was slower than Giselle expected. Perhaps the speed of her work had improved? Nah! Giselle was getting annoyed with her senior absence and no update from her or even their superior never mentioned anything either.

Giselle's train of concern was interrupted when she saw a paper slip on the desk. The brunette was trying to comprehend whatever had been written on the paper, and her hands flew to her lips and followed by a gasp. She looked at Nancy who was showing sympathy and shaking her head at her. Giselle quickly took out her clutch from her drawer and took out a little cash and passed it to Nancy before writing down and signing her name on the paper.

It was heartbreaking to lose a person dear to their lives. Giselle could relate to the pain of losing the closest member of her family. She was sad, getting worried about Drew and whether she could handle it since the evidence of her smiling face was always bright whenever she mentioned her mother.

Giselle couldn't stay here without doing anything after her apprehensions. She needed to see her senior and make sure she was alright. The brunette swiftly took her intercom and made a call to Amy without any delay anymore.

"Hi, Amy. Did you hear about Drew's mother's news?"

"Yes, I did. Nancy just came by," Amy's tone was weighted, and a sigh from another line.

"I'm thinking of seeing Drew and paying her mother respects during lunchtime. Are you going with me?" Giselle asked softly.

"I'm sorry, I'm overloaded with my work right now. I probably will go there after work," Amy replied.

"Okay, I will go and see Drew at lunchtime, and I might go again with you if you're going there after work," Giselle knew she was swamped too, but she wouldn't mind seeing Drew a few times, and she hope Drew would allow her to help out regardless of her work or anything she needed to do for the funeral.

"Sure, let me know if you're going with me in the evening," Amy confirmed.

They ended the call quickly after their discussion and Giselle just sent a condolence text to Drew and asked for the address since she didn't get any update from her superior or the other co-workers yet.

The two hours to hit the lunch hours were painfully slow, but the brunette was able to finish her urgent tasks. As a slow eater, Giselle only ate half of her lunch in her bento, and she quickly drove to the place Drew had shared with her.

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