Author's Note

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There is one thing I want to do is give a huge thanks to my friend  Loiosh

First, I want to thank you for him giving me this story for me to write, and he did editing part of this story. Trust me, I already love this story when we discuss it before I start writing! Also, these story ideas keep coming into my mind and I couldn't stop. So, I have to let this story be written ahead of the other ongoing stories. I'm so sorry once again for letting you guys wait for other ongoing stories. But, I will finish them for sure. Just slow.

I didn't mean to be cheesy, but I still wanna proclaim this story would be the best Christmas gift of this year from Loiosh! Because I love cute and fluff plots as always. (For me, yes! But you gays have to find out more!)

Also, for readers and my friends who are still here patiently waiting for my ongoing or new stories, a thousand or million thanks would never be enough. I still remember y'all because obviously the friends and readers I know are within my fingers count! LOL!

That's a little thank you note for my beloved friends here. Now I will briefly describe a little background of my story.

So, since my country strictly has illegal same-gender relationships, I have to keep the name of my country from disclosure. But, I would share the food and culture a little, and I would input some side notes to not confuse the readers.

Last but not least, this story would have entertaining light mature content involved. So, I won't put any warnings in the future instead of becoming a spoiler.

I still believe everyone would have different tastes in their romance. I personally like this one, but I apologize if this might not be a cup of your tea after you finish.

For those who are ready for this story, thank you very much! I only wish you will enjoy it as much as I do. Cheers!

P.S: If you have finished reading other of my books while waiting for this story to update, feel free can drop by to Loiosh  page. He has tons of amazing completed stories! ;)

With Love,
Jo Blackheart

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