Chapter Two

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It was a typical dull Monday for the accounts team member, nothing was entertaining for them since they had to attend a morning briefing with a grumpy manager, Monica. The perfectionist lady seemed to enjoy getting under her staff's skin to point out unnecessary things for them to rectify before sending the report to the auditor even though the team had perfectly accomplished the monthly dateline.

No doubt, Monica would always overthink whenever the year-end came close since it was the busiest time for the accounts team to entertain the auditors. The members had gotten used to it, except for a new girl who seemed nervous to see the intimidated lady busy ranting in the conference room.

There was one thing impressive about Monica, she could rapid-fire questions and statements without needing water to keep her mouth hydrated. It had been an hour plus, she didn't even suggest a short break, but was busy discussing the list of documents, reports, and schedules for her team to take note of.

The briefing was close to the end, and Monica reminded everyone who had to work overtime or squeeze in work in their spare time to work things out. She even emphasized that no one was supposed to take leave during the peak season, and evidently threw a look at Drew.

Everyone in this room knew what Monica was trying to say, but remained silent. Except for Tom, who purposely turned his swiveled chair to look at Drew and threw a smug smile since he never liked her.

Drew pressed her lips in a thin line, hands clenched firmly on her lap which took her willpower not to jump over the table to punch Tom. She hated his cocky behavior, and he was useless in this team since he never took the initiative to work, but just passed his time clock in and out for his beloved father's sake.

Drew mentally shook her head that her manager's mood switched in the blink of an eye. Monica was nice enough to make a phone call for Drew yesterday, telling her how much everybody missed her since it was the first time she took a long leave.

Bullshit. Drew was getting hopeless with this team because she practically had to take part to do the others' jobs whenever they needed.

Tom snickered and seemed satisfied to watch his co-worker get insulted as he shifted his attention to the brunette next to Drew. The eyes beneath his glasses were gleaming while putting his hands at the back of his head and leaning against his chair.

A nasty grin crept on his face when he was scanning Giselle's upper body like an x-ray, and he wished he could scan the remaining part of the petite girl's body beneath the table.

The brunette could sense the predator had been watching her since she entered the conference room, but she still had to be polite and greet everyone since Monica introduced her to them.

Giselle was getting uncomfortable with the way the pervy guy looked at her, but she had no right to voice out anything. So, she just avoided eye contact with him after all. She didn't pay much attention to anyone aside from Monica because she had to. However, she would occasionally check on her senior next to her.

In the meantime, in the corner of Drew's eyes could see a pair of adorable light brown eyes gazing at her, and she slightly turned to look at the cutie next to her.

The way the brunette looked at Drew was heartwarming and seemed to understand her senior's situation. A warm feeling was sent to the taller girl's heart, feeling appreciated and she gave a small smile at her junior. The girls eventually paid their attention to the slide show on the screen projector again.

A faint left dimple still lingered on Drew's cheek while she was looking at the screen projector, she was still happy with the brunette was the only team member who would care about her feelings. It was likely that the rest didn't give a damn about her whether she was dead or alive in this department.

The staff turnover of the accounts team was high, and Drew was the senior among the rest with her 7 years of experience in this firm. Monica was happy with Drew's initiative, effort, and good performance, she even had hoped to promote Drew to replace the assistant account manager who had just resigned.

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