Kannagi (Edited)

260 9 4

"Crazy what we'd do for a friend. Crazy how stupid we are for it. Crazy how we show affection."


"I suspect Aoi was taken under the school. To Number Six's boundary." Hanako suggested. He turned around and reached for the number pad that listed all the floor numbers. He pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket, it was crinkled and worn. Most likely, it's been in his pocket for quite some time. He looked down at it, then started pushing the buttons for floor numbers, switching back and forth while looking down at the paper, then up at the number pad.

"4, 2, 6, 2, 10-" He listed off aloud. Every number he pressed, he voiced what number it was beforehand.

"Hanako. . .What are you doing?" Nene asked, tilting her head to the side, fiddling with a stray strand of her hair.

"To work the elevator, you have to push the buttons in a specific order," Hanako answered, not looking away from the buttons. He continued to list off the rest of the numbers, "5, 1, 6, 4." He finished. The elevator shook, then started moving. It slowly moved down, but eventually got faster and faster.

"There! Now, this elevator is headed to the boundary closest to the far shore–closest to the afterlife." Hanako stated, shoving the paper back in his pocket, and turning around.

"And you're sure this is where Aoi is?" You asked, leaning against one of the elevator walls, the decoration of the wall felt uncomfortable against your back, but you didn't move, didn't feel like it.

"No, I'm not. But I think the odds are pretty high. Because Number Six took her, and if he went to his boundary he could use his powers to its fullest extent." Hanako explained. Made enough sense.

The elevator came to a slow stop, making a dinging noise once the movement was completely paralyzed. It indicated you were on the desired floor, the lowest one. Hanako straightened, "We're here." He said calmly as the doors slid open carefully, revealing an unfamiliar terrain. Stepping forward, you landed ankle-deep in water. The whole surface of the floor was covered in the clear liquid, Hanako was floating to avoid that. This definitely was a boundary.

The space was weird, the sky was pure white. The only thing in here was water, and pillars with lights that illuminate, making the thick fog that coated the bottom of the boundary a little easier to see through. Nene walked up next to you, looking all around the place, "So this. . .This is the place nearest to the far shore. . .'' She said slowly, head tilting up to look at the paper-colored sky. Was it ever night here? What would that look like? Nothing but blackness? Sounds like a creepy place to be at night.

"Creepy. ." You responded slowly, walking forward, following Hanako. Akane and Nene caught up, walking beside you on either side, keeping Hanako in sight in front. Eventually, Hanako led the three of you to a door, placed in the middle of nowhere. It was weird to see a giant golden door in the middle of nothing but water and lantern pillars. It was a random placement and didn't feel right to be there.

"A door?" You mumbled, walking up next to Hanako, lightly touching the door. It looked pristine, but felt old, like it should be rusting and having thick rotting vines climbing up it, covering the gold. Hanako reached for the doorknob, "I'm going to open it." He declared, doing just that, pulling the door open with not much force. The four of you walked through, the opened door revealed something you would've never expected to see in a blank place like this.

The four of you were standing on a ledge, overlooking the sea of colored buildings and walkways. It was beautiful, lush of red, and buildings that looked old, but in perfect shape, like the door. The most surprising thing was how everything was almost floating in mid-air, platforms were holding up the walkways, bridges, and buildings. Flowers floated around the space, and unlike the other room, the sky was pitch black, a void of nothingness. It was way more menacing than the white sky, there weren't even stars in the sky.

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