The Young Exorcist's Older Brother (Edited)

400 15 22

"All good things end sometime."

Warnings: Mentions of blood.


You chuckled, watching Kou and the pink boy interact in the field. You were observing from one of the many windows in the school, watching as the pink boy took pictures of the scenery, trees, grass, flowers, anything. And Kou kept talking to him, interrupting the boy in pink's focus. Every once in a while, you'd see the pink boy blow up at Kou, shouting at him and probably throwing insults.

"You realize the last bell rang 20 minutes ago, yes?" A voice spoke up from behind. You jumped slightly, turning around to meet the golden eyes of School Wonder Number Five.

"Mr. Tsuchigomori! You scared me there, how are you?" You asked, giving the teacher a small smile. The atmosphere was kind of awkward. Mr. Tsuchigomori, smiling a little. "Why are you still here? Like I just said, the bell rang a while ago," He repeated, expecting an answer out of you.

"Oh! I was just making sure everything was going well with Kou and this apparition he stumbled on. I'm just making sure Kou's alright. And plus, I still have to see Hanako." You responded, moving away from the window.

"Then I would suggest visiting Hanako, instead of stalking your friends," Tsuchigomori advised, amusement in his tone. He started walking out of the classroom as, Your face flared from his words. "It isn't stalking! I was just making sure Kou would be okay!" You shouted as Mr. Tsuchigomori left the room. You could hear a faint chuckle from down the hallway.

You grumbled, but then shook your head with a small amused sigh. Mr. Tsuchigomori was right, you needed to get to Hanako before he came looking for you.

Unexpectedly, you were met with amber eyes the moment you took a step forward. You yelped, lunging back and slamming into a desk. You groaned, gently rubbing your lower back. Looking back up to the amber eyes, you were met with a laughing Hanako, hanging upside down and holding his stomach. You slowly stood, groaning."Why the hell'd you do that?!" You shouted, glaring at Hanako. Whatever Hanako would do, you didn't think you could ever get used to.

Hanako didn't answer right away, he had to finish his laughing fit first. "I just wanted to check on you," He explained himself, still upside down with giggles escaping his lips every now and then. You crossed your arms. "Because that's what you do on a normal basis," You replied sarcastically, rolling your eyes. Hanako wasn't one to check up on people, that's what you've learned at least. Or maybe he was changing his ways, who knows?

. . .No, he definitely wasn't going to change.

Hanako turned upright, his feet meeting the creaky floorboards. The boy walked towards you, grabbing your wrist and started dragging you out of the classroom and down the hallway.

"And. . .where are we going now?" You asked, not surprised anymore.

"Over there." Hanako responded, pointing out of a nearby window. You followed where his finger was pointed, it was yet another abandoned building on the school grounds. "And. .why are we going over there?" You questioned.

"There's something stuck up there, and I can't get it on my own," Hanako responded, continuing to drag you down hallways, past classrooms, through the courtyard, and to the front of said building he pointed to. The walk there was silent, other than the clicking of your footsteps. It wasn't awkward, but you couldn't help but stare down at the hand that dragged you around.

"How do you know something's stuck up there?" You asked, squinting your eyes, trying to see what was up there but to no avail.

"The Mokke came running to me, saying they left something up there and wanted me to get it. Apparently it's stuck on the outside of the building, so now I need your help." Hanako explained, letting go of your hand and sauntering towards the building.

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