Are We Still Friends? (Edited)

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        "Why do we bother to stay?

Why are you running away?

        Don't you feel like severing?

Everything's just come together at last.

        It's broken, I don't want to play." - Song: Evelyn Evelyn. By: Evelyn Evelyn


It's been about an hour since Kou and Nene left for home. You decided to continue looking for Hanako, but ultimately ended up abandoning the idea and heading back to the abandoned girl's bathroom.

While walking across the courtyard, you looked up at the sky. There were so many stars out tonight, not a single cloud in the sky to cover its luminescent beauty. The moon was full, it glowed a fluorescent blue, blanketing the vegetables and grass in its shining glory. It truly was a beautiful night.

You wondered if Hanako was looking at the same sky as you were. If he was seeing the same stars, the same angle of the moon, the same brightness every speck of light in the sky produced. Surely he had to have been, we all see the same sky. That's one thing every single person can relate to one another about, we all see the same sky. Whether it be day or night.

You entered the old abandoned building, the view of the beautiful sky leaving your sight as you walked through the old wooden doors. You slowly walked up the stairs, your footfalls making the oh-so-familiar echo throughout the vacant building. Eventually, you made it to the girls' bathroom and walked inside. The giant window in the bathroom illuminated the bathroom, but there was a shadow cast on the floor, someone was sitting on the ledge in front of the window.

Your eyes widened and your smile grew when you saw who it was. It was Hanako! You quickly walked up to the apparition. "Hanako! There you are! We were looking all over for you, where were you!?" You said excitedly, sitting next to Hanako. The boy didn't respond to you, his head was hung low, looking down at something in his lap, a black book with golden accents.

It looked like one of the books from Mr. Tsuchigomori's library. Why was it here? So far away from its home?

"What're you reading?" You asked, scooting closer to Hanako to take a peek at the book. In the middle of the page, in bold letters, a sentence resided. You leaned closer and read the large lettered words.


Your eyes widened, was this his book?

"Did you know?" He asked, his voice so minuscule you almost had to lean forward to hear him. Hanako gripped the book tightly, a cut from the paper revealed itself on one of his fingers, and a small line of blood seeped down the twelve-word page, sinking into its thinness. You waited for a few seconds before you answered.

". .Yes, I knew." You confirmed, turning away your gaze from Hanako, and down to your lap.

"Then why are you still here?" Hanako asked, louder this time, he was starting to shake. He sounded angry, but at the same time, incredibly sad. His question took you aback, why wouldn't you be here?

"After everything I've done. To you, to my brother. . .why are you still here?" Hanako asked again, harsher this time around. you took a breath and answered honestly. "I'm here because you're my friend. Because Nene's my friend. Because Kou's my friend. Because I would never abandon a friend because of their past actions. I was with you when we were alive, so no matter what I'm going to stay with you, even in the afterlife." You stated.

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