Missing (Edited)

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"We're all desperately trying to find something. . . .but what exactly is it that we're searching for?"


"So, Nene, what happened while I was gone? I'm guessing you ended up in the same place as I did," You asked, walking beside Nene through the courtyard, on your way to Hanako. Nene visibly shuddered. "It was horrible! I was stuck with Natsuhiko, and he just kept opening doors at random!" Nene whined. "And then, he just up and left me! All alone! So, then I had to open doors at random, it was so scary!" She shuddered, hugging her waist tightly.

"How'd you get out? Did Hanako find you?" You asked, entering the old abandoned building, holding the door open for Nene to walk through.

"No! I had to find that stupid door on my own!" She pouted.

"Well, it's a good thing you did." You said gratefully.

"Y-yeah, I guess. . ."

The two of you walked into the girls bathroom, expecting a loud welcome from Hanako.

But he wasn't there. The only other person in the bathroom was Kou, who looked just as confused as you.

"Oh, Kou! It's nice to see you!" Nene greeted, grabbing a broom that leaned against the colored tiles of the wall. Kou acknowledged Nene and you. "Oh, hi. . .Umm, have you seen Hanako anywhere?" Kou asked, looking around the bathroom.

"He isn't here? I just thought he'd be hiding or something." Nene said.

"That would be something he'd do, but. . .I don't think he's here. I also looked all over the school. Can't find a trace of him." Kou said, turning to face both you and Nene.

"That's weird, usually he's always around somewhere. . ." You said. Nene put the broom back against the wall. "Maybe we should look for him again?" She suggested. Kou nodded. "It has been about an hour or so since I last looked around." He mentioned.

"Let's get going then," You said, walking out of the bathroom with Kou and Nene following close behind.

"Where'd you look in the school?" You asked Kou. The boy thought for a moment before answering. "I looked in the junior high section, the lockers, the courtyard, and some parts of the high school section," He said.

"Then, we should start by searching in the places you didn't check," Nene suggested, and you and Kou agreed with her, heading to the high school section of the building.

* * *

"So, what we'll do is walk down the halls, and open the classroom doors." Nene instructed. Neither you nor Kou had any objections.

"Great! So, I'll take this hallway. M/n, you take the hallway for the third years, and Kou, you check the one for the second years." Nene said. And just like that, the three of you went your separate ways.

This school was structured weirdly. Not only was a middle school attached to it, but each hallway was ordered by what year you were. The sixth, seventh, and eighth graders each got one hallway, and the same was for the students in the high school division. Each hallway was a small way apart from each other, with things like the library, cafeteria, gym, and electives such as performing arts classes and photography in between. Those classes were thrown in at random places, so it could get pretty difficult to find classes like that.

After a small walk and a couple turns, you were met with the hallway for the third year students. You were glad the hallways weren't unnecessarily long, or checking in each classroom would take forever.

Ghost Boy  (Hanako x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now