Chapter XXX

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[XXX.] Lost Sunrise

"Would you permit a question?" 

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"Would you permit a question?" 

The past few weeks in Dorne have been bliss. The days were spent learning about the histories of Dorne and getting to know the people around her. 

It was almost difficult to imagine why she wished to remain in King's Landing instead of traveling here. Making this place home. Dorne was not what she was used to but it had been precisely what she needed. 

The Dornish were free-thinkers and often, she found herself speaking her mind instead of suppressing thoughts to avoid disapproval. 

It was liberating and freeing. It almost felt like being able to breathe for the first time. 

Oberyn would accompany her wherever she wished to go within the keep though she admits, she had not yet found the courage to venture outside.

Still, she could not deny the satisfaction she felt whenever he would shoot her a proud grin every time she spoke up about her opinions.

However, for the past week, he had been silent. Distant, almost. She had not thought that she did anything differently. 

If anything, the past week had been particularly uneventful so she did not know what caused his change in behavior. 

However, that seemed to change now when he initiated the conversation. Cassandra looked away from her vanity to look at Oberyn with a smile. "Question permitted." 

"Why do you not wear the dresses in your closet? They are new and they are made in your size, I am sure of it." Oberyn asked, already dressed for dinner in his mustard robe and dark breeches. 

She found herself staring at him for a second longer than she should have, her eyes lingering on his graceful yet warrior-like form. Clearing her throat, she returned to brushing through her short strands. 

For that evening, they would be dining with his brother and his family. As much as she adored Arianne and even enjoyed conversations with Prince Doran, she still felt a bit out of place. 

Though she had been assured time and time again that she was as much a part of their family as they were, she still found it quite difficult to comprehend how things were moving so fast. 

Wearing the Dornish dresses like them, eating their food, enjoying their company. It almost felt as if she was much too eager to be one of them.

Cassandra nodded slowly. "They are very beautiful but I do not know if I should wear them. They are very showy and the last thing I want is to barge my way into your family by dressing in such clothes." 

"You would not be barging in. You are a Martell, you have been one since we exchanged vows." He assured her, placing his hands atop her shoulders as he looked at her through the reflection in the mirror. 

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