Chapter XXIX

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[XXIX.] Seeds of Doubt

The honeymoon period was a crucial time for every newlywed

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The honeymoon period was a crucial time for every newlywed. 

Many married couples and noblewomen have gossiped about the importance of this timeframe. This period would serve as a time when couples would learn more about each other and get to navigate through their new home together. 

It was typical that couples would be able to know how their marriage would fare by the end of this period. Newlyweds who could not stand the other would have distant marriages while those who are lucky would be blessed with long, fruitful marriages. 

But as they were, Oberyn and Cassandra preferred to do things unconventionally. Even with their marriage being arranged, they still found the beauty of normalcy with one another. As friends. 

Oberyn would wake first, typically before the sun would even rise, and then he would make his way to the training courtyard to wait for Owain. 

On the other hand, Cassandra would wake much later, though she too would join them while they trained. Her arrival would usually indicate that it was time to head to the kitchen to have breakfast. 

After that, they would go their separate ways, with Oberyn working on his duties as prince and Cassandra learning more about her new home from Arianne and the other people working in the Old Palace. 

At times, Owain would join her, also curious about Dorne. There were even times when he would join Arianne in her lessons, the older girl not minding his presence. 

While the people of Sunspear had initially been distrusting of the sister of the king, they had soon warmed up to her. 

They had expected her to be a snobbish noblewoman who thought herself better than others. They thought that she would be like Prince Doran's wife, Lady Mellario who had trouble accepting Dorne as her home even after so many years. 

Yet they came to discover Cassandra's kind and gentle nature when they saw her interactions with all that she would meet. Nobles and servants alike could not help but admire her perseverance in learning much about the culture and traditions in Dorne. 

In time, they too saw how she and their prince matched well. He made her laugh in a way that she hadn't since the war while she inspired conversations that could last for hours and hours. 

Whenever they would share meals, may it be for breakfast or supper, they looked as they should be. They spoke as much as they listened. They would argue before coming to a resolution they both agreed to.

In the midst of their exchanges, servants would send each other smiles. After all, Dorne was much changed after the war but having Prince Oberyn smiling once more felt like a hopeful thing for everyone who adored their prince. 

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