Chapter XI

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[XI.] Crown of Flowers

] Crown of Flowers

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281 A.C.

Cassandra clapped, cheering along with the crowd as Prince Rhaegar unhorsed Ser Arthur Dayne in a showy move. 

Robert roared loudly from beside her, caught up in the festivities and smelling of wine. She had heard from Ser Richard Lonmouth that they had been having a drinking competition before the jousting even began. 

She wrinkled her nose at her brother before focusing on the next set of riders. The final tilt would be between Ser Barristan Selmy and Prince Rhaegar Targaryen. To say that everyone was at the edge of their seats with excitement would be an understatement. 

This was the biggest tourney of the year, with everyone from all over Westeros traveling to Harrenhal to participate in the melees, jousts, archery tournaments, and tourney of singers. Lord Walter Whent had spared no expenses, wanting nothing but the best for his fair daughter. 

Robert had chosen not to participate in the jousting, already content with the victory he had gained for the seven-sided melee in the ancient style. He had unhorsed many knights and lords the previous day, celebrating well into the night afterward. 

Cassandra turned to the man on her other side, smiling softly when his eyes met hers. Ned returned her smile, a sight that he reserved only for his betrothed. 

"I have news." Ned spoke, his voice low so that only the two of them could hear. 

"What would that be?" Cassandra asked, her eyes following the two now facing off for the joust, their lances extended in front of them as they charged at one another. 

"Brandon is getting married to Catelyn in the winter of the coming year." He informed her as the two clashed though they remained upright on their horses, returning for another round. 

That caught her attention, making her turn to look at him with wide eyes. "So that means we will..." 

"If you wish it, we can be married by this time next year." He finished, his gaze hopeful. " That is, if you are still agreeable to the match."

"Ned," She started, about to assure him that nothing could dissuade her from marrying him. He was a good man and she knew he would be a good husband. One day, he would be a good father. She was luckier than most to have such a man as a betrothed. 

However, before she could say anything more, the crowd erupted into cheers with many jumping to their feet. Expressing what she wished to say through her actions, Cassandra slipped her hand into his, squeezing his hand. 

Ned's grey eyes glimmered with joy, lifting her hand to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to the back of it. The two turned to the jousting, just in time to see Prince Rhaegar named the champion of the event. 

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