Chapter XXII

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[XXII.] Match of Inconvenience

Oberyn Martell was an idiot

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Oberyn Martell was an idiot. 

That was the first thought that popped into Cassandra's mind as he bowed dramatically in front of her. Everyone looked at him as though he were a madman, not understanding why he did such a thing. 

After all, he was a prince of Dorne in his own right and she was merely a noblewoman of the Stormlands. She may be sister to the king but when it came to titles, he definitely outranked her. 

If he hadn't bowed to her many times in the past, she would consider him a madman too. However, since she was familiar with this dramatic habit of his, she did not see him as a madman. 

Only an idiot. 

"Prince Oberyn, I-" Lord Arryn sputtered out, clearly shocked and aghast at the scene taking place in front of him. 

It was to everyone's surprise when Cassandra, instead of telling the prince to get up, curtsied in return. He may be an idiot but it would be considered disrespectful too if she did not return the gesture in some way. 

The tension melted from both parties, shrugging it off as some weird greeting between the two. When they straightened, she spotted him trying to hide a growing smile at having caused some chaos. 

"Thank you for the warm welcome, Prince Oberyn." Cassandra replied, a small smile on her face as she looked at him. 

Despite the serene expression on her face, she only wanted to smack him on the head for his idiocy. Now was not the time for games and quips, not when alliances and ties were as fragile as they come. 

However, no matter how much she wanted to do that, she knew she could not with everyone watching. The last thing she needed was another lecture, this time from Lord Arryn who looked winded enough. 

Oberyn offered her his arm and without a single word, she took it. Lord Arryn and the Baratheon knights wordlessly followed as they approached the awaiting retinue. 

It was to her surprise that the retinue did not look on edge, their expressions blank. Somehow, that was even more unnerving to see. 

"Lord Arryn. Lady Cassandra. Welcome to Dorne." Prince Doran greeted, his calculating eyes roving over them though his attention was mostly focused on her and his brother. 

It was clear that he was the sibling of both Oberyn and Elia with their shared features of golden skin and dark eyes. However, she noticed that his figure was hunched over on a cane.

It was then that she remembered Elia's stories of how her eldest brother had an affliction of some sort. Still, even with such, the prince did not fail to look strong and proud. 

"Thank you, Prince Doran." Lord Arryn responded, bowing his head in respect as Cassandra did. "From your previous letters, I assume you wish to head straight to business." 

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