Chapter XIX

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[XIX.] Pact for Peace

"You punched her?!" 

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"You punched her?!" 

Cassandra looked down at her bruised hand, recalling what she had done with a wince. 

Not that she regretted it. Cersei Lannister had deserved it and more. After throwing that punch, Cersei fought back, and the two of them grappled in the gardens. 

They were a mess until knights of the Kingsguard separated them, having been near enough to hear the scuffle taking place. 

A knight had held her back while Jaime tried to calm his twin as she shouted obscenities and insults. 

Not long after, they were instructed to bring Cassandra to her brother. This led to the present, where Robert was currently chastising her, demanding explanations for her actions. 

The veil had been ripped off her head, revealing her short raven strands, messy from being pulled so severely. She was mostly left unscathed, most of the blows coming from her. 

"Well, do you have nothing to say for yourself?" Robert asked, glaring at her harshly. 

It was probably the first time she had seen her brother this angry before. He had a temper, to be sure, but never had she been at the receiving end of it. 

"She deserved it." Cassandra simply said, refusing to say more as she avoided his gaze. 

Unfortunately for her, this only served to ignite her brother's anger even more as he sneered. "Did she now?"

She snapped, standing up to make a point, her own temper making itself known. "You should've heard how she spoke of Elia, how she thinks herself so high and mighty simply because she is marrying you."

He scoffed, rolling his eyes as he turned away from her. "Words from an immature girl. You punched her over her whiny voice making quips. You know better than to let such things affect you. Seriously, Cassandra, I expected more from you!" 

She defended, following after him. "If it had been me she insulted, I might have let it pass but Elia was my friend, my sister! I would die before I let anyone speak ill of her when she was murdered! Murdered by that wretched girl's father!" 

Robert kicked the table in front of him, objects clattering loudly to the ground. "Do not ever say those fucking words again! House Lannister is to be united with our house and I will not tolerate such slanders." 

Cassandra flinched from the force of his anger. "Slanders? It's the truth and you're a fool if you believe otherwise!" 

Robert opened his mouth to reply before his eyes fell on a scroll on his desk, making him rethink his next words as he grabbed it, throwing it at his sister. "Read this."

She caught it just in time, unfurling the yellow parchment. Her azure eyes scanned the words written on the scroll, shock filling her being at the thought of another war. "An uprising in Dorne?" 

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