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Sherlock was livid, she had been right under his nose countless times. He was going to get her at this party, he could feel it. The next morning, he went for breakfast, keeping a strict eye out for her. But, to no avail. He had received word of Enola's daring escape from the finishing school, he couldn't help but feel a little proud of the girl.

He walked outside and saw a few protestors. One shrieking at the top of his lungs. "Vote for all men!" And some political blabber that Sherlock wouldn't even entertain. But what caught his eye, was someone deep in the crowd. He could see past a few dozen people, low and behold, there she was. Adelaide. Staring right back at him. She wore a satin white cloak, making her stand out. She was taunting him, riling him up, and it was working. She smirked and waved with her fingers, taunting him. He rummaged through the crowd, but she disappeared. After scouting and looking around for a while, he gave up and walked to a breakfast bar.

He had to make a plan for this party. He needed to be extremely thorough and strategic at the same time. This girl was a genius, and she knew it, that's why she was rubbing salt in the already bleeding wound. Adelaide was cunning and calculated. He had never struggled so much with a case as this. Every lead he had, she gave him it as a tease. A message saying 'I'm here you cabbage-head!' She left her home and mother like they were nothing. Sherlock was sure this was a woman immune to empathy.


Adelaide slipped on her dress, and put on a veil. She always had a flair for the dramatics, and since her plan is ready, she can make her entrance.
"Eudoria?" She called out.

The woman then entering at the sound of her name.
"Yes dear?" She opened the door and peeked in.
"I need to chat with you. Help me tighten my corset please?" She grabbed the bedpost as Eudoria tightened it. "I know you said to stay strong, but I don't think i'm going to survive tonight." Eudoria stopped in her tracks at her words.

"My mother, I know her plan. She and father were always outraged that I wasn't a boy. She even went into a state of puerperal insanity! I am the end of the family name. If they don't kill me tonight, your son certainly will. I fear for the marquess also, I knew him since he was young." Eudoria took a drag of her pipe and straightened herself.
"You must stop all this worrying. You won't die tonight, and my son won't kill you, don't be silly. We are creating a revolution. With you here, it has made things ten times as powerful! Your mother just wouldn't understand." She finished the corset and tied it to a bow. "Now get ready, to make an entrance, you still need to look good." She exclaimed, exiting for Adelaide to finish getting ready.

she was going to change the world.


Sherlock arrived at the extravagant hall, there were white walls with gold trims that looked as though they were infecting the wall. Eleanor stood proud at the top, while the respected ladies were being introduced. None of which, he recognised as Adelaide.

An hour had passed, Sherlock was starting to loose hope. Nothing was out of the ordinary, which meant Adelaide had no influence on this night. He was interrupted by his thoughts when a large champagne glass pyramid was revealed, Eleanor was more with content with it, and was showering it with attention as though it was a new child. Until suddenly, a girl with dark, curly hair caught his eye. She gave Eleanor an unpleasant glare, while also giving certain signals to another woman across the room. That was when Sherlock recognised her as Adelaide Kingsley. She must have been here under a fake name.

When the music for a switch dance started playing, he took this as his opportunity. He quickly waltzed in with a random woman and hoped he would stumble across her. The dancing was... painful to say the least. Women constantly batting their eyelashes, men wondering why on earth Sherlock Holmes is at a Chess Sponsorship. That's when his hands joined with two gloves ones. Which then went on his shoulder.

"You've done well with what I have given Mr Holmes." She taunted. He had to play along with her antics so she wouldn't leave.
"Adelaide...." She laughed at his disbelief. "The one and only. What is it you want... money?"
"You have made quite the game of cat and mouse." He remarked, smiling charmingly at her. "Oh, this is only the beginning Sherlock." Her expression became significantly darker, this puzzled him. "What did you do?" He questioned, wondering if he even wanted to know the answer. Adelaide laughed while he twirled her round to the dance. "You are asking the wrong question." She got significantly closer to him. "It should be, what am I going to do."

Suddenly, all the lights went out. Panic filled the room as gasps and shrieks were heard. Sherlock could no longer feel Adelaide in his grasp. She had slipped away, again. The few candles were then lit. Only the champagne tower being visible. That's when she made her move.

She took a glass and the whole pyramid crashed down. "Ladies and gentlemen, now that I have your attention, could you please not panic? I've worked so very hard on this one moment and i'd hate for you to ruin it." Silence filled the room, you could hear a feather drop, forget the pin.

"Now, I know many of you probably couldn't give a hoot about politics. Just like the one, the only Sherlock Holmes. Actually, can we get a round of applause for Sherlock Holmes? A man who has made it so far in this world, but doesn't want to even acknowledge the changing of it?" Everyone applauded, not really processing the situation. Sherlock swallowed the lump in his throat as she continued talking. "I mean, does anyone realise the changes in this world?" She rambled, but Sherlock could tell she was stalling for something bigger. He could make out shadows moving in the background, and the fact that Eleanor was nowhere to be found in this instance. He could see someone, from the corner of his eye, pointing a shotgun straight at Adelaide, but they were quickly beaten and taken away by another two women.

"But heed my words. Change is coming. Oh, and Sherlock, I have one more message for you..." The main chandelier was lit up again. Revealing the heavily graffitied walls and charcoal stains over the once white floors. She struck a match and lit the glass and alcohol remains of the champagne into a massive ball of flames. She turned to Sherlock with a smile plastered on her face. But before bolting from the scene, she made sure to whisper in his ear.

"Catch me if you can..."

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