Chapter 12 - I'm Back (6)

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As soon as the words resounded, light rose on Ganien's sword, and Cassion disappeared.

Carbena did not try to stop them like she would've done. After all, there were only two people.

2 against 100. The outcome was easy to imagine.

She sat comfortably on the side, watching the current situation.

However, as time passed, the situation was progressing to a more and more unexpected result, as Carbena watched the scene her face turned pale.

Each time the two swung their blade, lives were extinguished like candles amidst a storm.

It was someone's feet, and someone's head that flew away.

The chasing, bloody rain turned inside out.

The two weren't human, they were monsters.

Badumpp... Badump!

Her heart was pounding. Everything in front her has become a grotesque mess.


She couldn't stand the disgust and threw up whatever was inside her.

"Look right. That's what you did."

Unlike the staggering body of Ruel, his voice was steady.

He looked like an uptight tree, unmoved by the hellish scene in front of him.

His figure was so dissimilar to herself that Carbena looked up again at him.

"You sold out Setiria and I will claim it back."

Ruel's words shook her heart.

It was something she wanted to deny for a long time.

Because she was under influence and with her mind far from reality, reasons was something that had abandoned her long ago.

"I didn't sell it! I have it! I've got the Setiria!"

"Then, what is that?"

Ruel pointed to the dead and dying littered on the ground. Speechless Carbena clutched her skirt tight.

It was a bloodbath. The blood and body parts were scattered all over the place. The dirty sight was difficult to behold.

"You don't have Setiria."

"I've got it, I've got it all! I have Setiria, the protectors of this land! It will be recorded for the first time in this country!"

"You failed. You've mistaken to rely on drugs for Setiria."

"Shut up, shut that mouth of yours! Shut that mouth!"

Carbena screamed as she scratched her head again and again.

"Direct bloodlines, direct bloodline, damn the main branch!"

"Tsk, is the one I've been talking to degraded to her state? What a waste of time."

"Don't look at me like that! Don't you dare look at me with those arrogant eyes!"

Jane walked out from behind the screaming Carbena. She looked at Mineta with disgust.


And ran towards Ruel.

She brandished a dagger that was hidden under the folds of her skirt.

"It's over if you die! Hehe, hehe!"

Ruel made a face. It was so cliché that he was worried that the laughter he was holding in would burst out.

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