Chapter 16 - Karan got shot

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Karan closed his eyes tightly remembering the day he was half dead.

She opened his shirt and he stopped her hand, she glared at him and he loosened his hold on her.  She opened his shirt and there was the mark, the gun shot wound was very prominent, she traced the mark on his left abs just below his heart.

Teja " Sunny, please tell me what happened that day, how did you find me "

Karan " uss din "

Teju was coming after her college and she was walking on the road, kicking the little stone and Riya was accomapning her.

Riya " Teju be careful "

Someone blocked her way asking for some address and she was saying them the direction, suddenly a black Omni passed by her side and someone from inside the car dragged teju inside and shut it immediately.

Riya ran after the car but the person w who were asking her address pushed her and she got hit on her head falling on the ground. She screamed for her best friend but everyone stood idle. 

" Tejaaa mam " someone shouted from behind and he was dressed in black with his Bluetooth earpiece on.

Ab called karan immediately who was in his meeting. 

Karan " Yes Ab what happen, how is teju "

Ab restlessly " boss, mam, mam, someone kidnapped mam, I am following the car "

Karan felt his heart skipped a minute as he listened Ab, his mind was just repeating the same thing " his life is in danger "

Karan " Ab send me your location and focus on the car, I m coming right away "

He ran to his car and start driving towards the location.


She was laying unconscious in the backseat and the car was driving in every nook, Ab missed the car and he was frustrated. Karan reached the location and saw Ab standing there with his car. 

Karan " what the fuck are you doing here, where is the car ? Where is my teja "

Ab " I m sorry boss, I missed the car, I was following it but I missed it in this road when a truck blocked my way "

Karan punched him " I gave you just one work and you can't do that. I will kill you if something happen to my girl"

Om " we can't waste our time, we need to do something karan "

Karan " Tejaaaaaa "

He screamed making everyone shiver, om was trying to be positive but he was also scared for her. He knew he will lose karan if something happen to her.

Om " I just informed Police, they will start their enquiry "

Karan " lets go there "

They reached commissioner office and everyone greeted him as he is a big shot. Commissioner was a good friend of his family.

Karan " Uncle, please, find her. I can't bear anything happening to her. Please uncle "

He cried in front of him, commissioner was shocked to see him like that. He made him sit and gave him glass of water which he refused.

Karan " Please find my girl.. Uncle , I.. J can't live.. Without.. Her " her stammered, he was shivering thinking of the worst happening to her.

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