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CASEY WILLOWS KNEW HOW TO KEEP HER CALM IN MANY SITUATIONS. Of course, she was a profiler, she had to be that way to assure others that everything was okay. But the minute Garcia told her, JJ and Spencer that Savannah was in the hospital because she was shot, Casey immediately rushed to her desk and grabbed her coat and bag and rushed out of the office with Garcia, JJ and Spencer right behind her.

       The entire team was informed about what happened to Savannah and of course, made their way to the crime scene, which was luckily in front of the hospital she worked in. So all Morgan did was carry her in and the doctors took care of her. It just didn't make any sense to Casey for why she was targeted but she knew it had something to do with the men that tried to kill Morgan. This was a warning.

The team had arrived in two separate SUVs and were met with Rossi and a few police officers. "We need all vehicular and pedestrian traffic stopped in a 10-block radius." Hotch informed one of the officers as everyone jumped out of the SUV.

"Hey, let me through, that's my team over there!" Morgan shouts, getting everyone's attention as an officer is holding him back where the caution tape is. "Get your hands off me. I'm FBI." Morgan argued, pushing the man.

"Hey, hey, he's an agent. Let him through." JJ told the officer and he let Morgan through the scene. Morgan walks towards the team, who are all in a circle as they look around. "What the hell is wrong with them? Don't they know we're on this case?" Casey could tell Morgan was furious, of course, she would be too.

"Yes, he knows," Garcia said patiently. "He just didn't know who you are. It's okay."

Morgan looked towards Rossi, since he was the first to enter the scene. "Tell me you got something." Rossi looks towards the roof of another building. "A casing and a rifle up on the roof." Rossi said as everyone looked in the direction he was looking.

"This guy isn't sloppy. He's sending us a message." JJ told. "Garcia, we need to access the surveillance footage." Hotch ordered the technical analyst, as she nods. "Of course. I'm on it." She heads into the hospital.

Morgan looks back at the team. "What else we got?" He questions. "That's it right now." Rossi said.

"Where were you and Savannah standing?" Spencer decides to ask. Morgan points ahead. "We were standing right over there on the side of my truck. We were just talking. She was to the back and I was facing her. I was the one who was vulnerable. I was the easy shot."

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