𝒙𝒍𝒊𝒗. baby steps

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       SPENCER REID AND CASEY WILLOWS HAD BEEN WAITING ANY DAY FOR THEIR CHILD TO WALK NOW. For the last few weeks, that's all they had been waiting on, for Christopher to take his first steps.

      Casey sat in front of her fiancé with her child in her hands. "Come on, Christopher. Come on, you can do it." Casey encourages Christopher, holding a stuffed baby giraffe in front of him.

      Spencer had been recording the interaction. He had finally figured out how to use the video camera (with Casey's help) and recorded the two, also trying to encourage Christopher to walk. Of course, he really didn't need the camera with an eidetic memory but he'd like to keep it for Casey.

     Casey dropped the baby talk and handed the stuffed animal to Spencer. "Here, hold the giraffe. Maybe he'll come to you."

     "Well, he's not gonna do it on cue," Spencer said in a normal voice before switching over to his soft one he'd often use with Christopher. "He's gonna surprise us, right? You gonna surprise us?"

     Casey steadies herself and repositions herself with Christopher in her hands. "It's just... he can sit up by himself now, he's gotta start walking sometime." Casey told. "Well, how old were you when you started walking?" Spencer asks. "Almost a year old, but—" "Then, you got nothing to worry about. He turns one in a few weeks. Right? Right? You turn one in a few weeks!" Spencer switches his voice for a second to normal until he switched back to the baby talk, causing Christopher to giggle and smile.

      "It's crazy to think that he started off as a little peanut in my belly." Casey says, trying to hoist him up but keeping a hold on him just in case he did fall.

       "Actually, he started off as the size of a poppy seed. At week nine of your pregnancy, then he was the size of a peanut but—" Casey looks at her fiancé as he speaks. "Why are you staring at me?" He asks, noticing her lingering stare. "Because... I like when you get all 'statistically' on me." Casey smirked as she joked.

      Spencer looked at his fiancée with adoration before paying attention back to their spawn that they had created, holding the giraffe in front of him. "He's gonna take his first steps while we're at work, and then I'm gonna kill myself." Casey said, trying to sound as happy as she could despite the sentence that came out of her mouth.

     "No, he won't," Spencer stated. "You're not gonna do that, right, Chris?" He shakes the giraffe to his son. "Hey, come to daddy. Come to daddy. Come on. Come get the giraffe. You're just the cutest kid on the entire planet. Why is that?"

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