𝒙𝒙𝒊𝒊. right where we left off

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Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.



SEVEN MONTHS HAD PASSED AND THE TEAM HAD BEEN PLENTY OF CASES SINCE THEN. Casey was about ready to pop that baby any second but that didn't stop her from going on cases with the team. Speaking of cases, they were supposed to be taking a break from one when all of sudden... surprise, surprise — they were called in.

       Spencer and Casey had been on the elevator ride up with JJ and she was telling the story of how she got called in. "We were this close to going to Ocean City, and I get the text." JJ tells. "Ugh, that sucks." Casey comments.

       "I was in the middle of calculating force times distance times the co-efficient of friction to determine how fast I can make a hairpin turn in a Prius." JJ gives a look to Spencer and furrows her brows. "You don't have a hybrid, Spence." Spencer shrugged, "I know, but if I did, I'd want to know."

      "What were you doing, Case?" JJ asks. "Napping," Casey looks down at the bulge forming in her stomach. "Or trying to, at least."

      The elevator door dings and Garcia and Morgan walk in next. "Hey." JJ greets. "Hey." Morgan greeted back. "Weren't we just here?" JJ sighs, "Did your date understand?" Morgan shrugs, "Ah, luckily we're neighbors."

       Garcia looks Casey's way. "You must be peeved." Casey nods, "Of course I'm peeved, I've got pregnancy hormones and I gotta pee every five minutes. Make it two." She gives Spencer her bag and makes her way to a nearby bathroom and meets everyone else in the roundtable room and gently sits down.

      "Sorry you guys had to come in again." Hotch apologizes to the team. "Garcia?" The woman nods, "Yeah. Two women, Sarah Beck and Jill Elks, were found in a park in Glendale, Arizona, within the last 3 days. Both of them were single, in their late 20s, and following their normal, low-risk routines when they were abducted." Garcia explained.

      "Where were they taken from?" Blake asked. "Sarah was on her way to a theater group rehearsal, and Jill was abducted from her apartment. The unsub broke in through a window." Garcia explained. "Well, clearly, he's hunting a specific type." Reid stated. "He left the jewelry untouched." Morgan points out.

      "Yeah, it's not about robbery." Hotch told. "Both women were sexually assaulted, and then they were shot in the heart and left in that prayer position." Garcia tells. "That's odd." JJ points out. "Maybe it's religious. It looks like they're leaning on a cross." Rossi tells. "Their hands are tilted forward." Casey pointed out. "He could have made them supplicate and their hands clenched in rigor mortis." Reid tells. "So they're possibly praying to atone for their sins." JJ adds.

As It Was, Criminal Minds²Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα