𝒙𝒙𝒙. postpartum

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       SPENCER COULD JUST TELL THAT SOMETHING HAD BEEN OFF WITH CASEY RECENTLY. Even though she hadn't told him face-to-face how she was feeling, he knew there was something up. I mean, he was a profiler for God's sake.

It had started when he got home from going to the store one morning. He had arrived to hear his child crying and Casey nowhere to be seen. "I'm home." Spencer announces and then he makes his way over to the couch to his baby and then looked around for Casey. "Casey?" He asked. "Casey?"

      Spencer then picked the baby off the couch. "Hey there, little guy. Shh, shh, shh." He shushes and looks around.
"Where's your momma? Casey?" He asks again. "Where are you?"

      Spencer goes towards their bedroom and sees that she's not in there and she's not in the bathroom, either. Then, Spencer nearly jumps when he hears a voice — "I'm in the closet."

      "What are you doing in the closet?" Spencer questions as he opens the door. Casey is sitting on the closet door with her head in her hands and she looks like she's been crying and she starts crying again and she manages to get out: "I dropped him."

      "Huh?" Spencer asks.

       "I was holding him and I was reading and I closed my eyes for a minute and I dropped him." Casey cries. "I'm a terrible mother."

      "No, you are not a terrible mother," Spencer can see that Casey was really affected by this. He sits next to Casey in the closet. "He's-he's okay." He holds Christopher up a bit and shows Casey. "There's not even a dent in him." He looks back at Casey and realizes she's not even looking. "Look, he's okay. He's not even hurt."

        Casey looks at Spencer and then at the baby and begins to get overwhelmed once more. "I'm a terrible mother." She sobs. "No, you're not. Stop saying that." Spencer tells.

         Spencer had eventually managed to get Casey out of the closet and decided to take care of baby Christopher for the rest of the day. But it seemed like, since after the incident with baby Christopher, it felt like he was the only one taking care of Christopher anymore. I mean, Casey wouldn't get out of bed in the middle of the night to take care of him anymore. She had often dissociated from what was going on in the moment and had been less than what she usually ate. Spencer was beginning to worry about her because this had been going on for two weeks now. But the icing on the cake was when Christopher began to cry in Casey's arms and Spencer decided to take over and he immediately stopped crying. Spencer could tell that she was feeling too great about being a mother in that moment.

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