Chapter 38: No Distractions

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Author's note: really quick, I've noticed I use they/she pronouns interchangeably for Hange. I hope it doesn't bother anybody, and it may be confusing for non-English speakers. It's just my own personal headcannon they/she

"This is my collection, isn't she stunning?" Hange exclaims, their eyes gleaming with excitement as she swings open the doors to reveal the cabinet filled with an array of unfamiliar items meticulously taped together. She turns around to face you, her smile almost intimidating in its intensity.

"You have bombs?" you ask, your voice filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"Yeah. Bombs. I have bombs," she replies, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Not big enough to do anything to a Titan, but could really fuck up a person!"
A shadow blocks out the sunlight from the door.
"Oh, excellent, hello Nifa!" she exclaims as a woman with short red hair enters the room and greets you both.

"I gotta run, but good luck, guys! I should be back mmmm... maybe Wednesday? But if I don't see you (Y/N), good luck!" she says before darting up the stairs, leaving you alone with the girl. You've only ever seen her in passing, but never formally introduced, so you extend your hand to shake hers and introduce yourself.

"Nice to meet you. Are you familiar with explosives?" she asks, cutting to the chase, her voice tinged with a hint of excitement.

"No, not at all," you reply honestly, wondering where on earth you would have any practice with bombs.

"Alright, so, have you ever lit a flare?" she asks.


"Perfect! We're halfway there.

She begins to explain how the bombs work. She emphasizes the importance of avoiding getting shot at, at all costs explaining that the bombs will blow you up to bits. You weren't planning to get shot anyway, but the reminder sends a shiver down your spine. She mentions that the bombs can't get wet and assures you that she'll arrange a belt to hold everything you'll need for the mission.
Hopefully, you won't have to use any of it. She details how to set off the bombs, instructing you to scratch them against your belt to ignite them, similar to a flare, and to throw them far away from you. She informs you that you'll be provided with one medium bomb, meant for a maximum of three people, one small bomb for a single person, and three smoke bombs. Additionally, she mentions an explosive called a Molotov, which will spread fire wherever you toss it. She advises you to use it wisely. To ensure your understanding, she has you practice with empty bottles in the yard, demonstrating the distance for each explosive and its intended use.

After a quick lunch break, you return to where you left off. Nifa proves to be incredibly informative, patiently showing you what you'll need to do. You appreciate her taking the time to ensure your understanding, but there's still an uneasy feeling in the pit of your stomach about this whole mission. What if when you get down there, Gwen wants nothing to do with you? What if you can't find her?

"Do you know how to shoot a gun?" Nifa asks, interrupting your train of thought as she pulls a pistol out from her side.

"I haven't used one since training, at least a year ago," you admit, feeling a mix of nerves and nostalgia.

Nifa carefully demonstrates how to load and unload the pistol, how to use the safety function, and even how to aim. She emphasizes that you'll only have ten bullets and should use them as a last resort, preferably at close range. As she finishes her instructions, a familiar voice echoes from around the corner, and Erwin greets the two of you, sending Nifa off to deliver a message to Levi at the hideout. The mention of Levi's name causes a wave of awkwardness to wash over you, and you discreetly conceal your disappointment, unsure of what lies ahead in this dangerous mission and the complicated emotions it stirs within you.

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